Example sentences of "for [noun] to a [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Hitler had stood for resistance to a cancer spreading across Europe .
2 BSc Hons Professional Development in Nursing and BTech degrees — see Application using the University 's Direct Entry Form , p 50 ) , should be made through the Universities Central Council on Admissions ( UCCA ) in accordance with the procedure described in the Council 's handbook ‘ How to Apply for Admission to a University ’ .
3 How to apply for admission to a university .
4 Science ‘ A ’ levels are normally just as acceptable as arts subjects and no one subject is essential for admission to a law degree course .
5 The criterion for the acceptance of applicants is their ability to follow successfully a course of academic study and , in appropriate cases , to qualify for admission to a profession .
6 No one knew quite why this did not happen , why he remained good but no better than that , nor why he failed the audition for admission to a county youth orchestra .
7 Those who formulated the rules for admission to the College , who were afraid they might deter men from coming forward to train for membership of a still infant profession , limited the requirement for admission to an ability to read and write well — quite a severe restriction at the time — plus personal recommendation .
8 Persons of at least 21 years of age at the date of entry to a course who have useful experience to bring to university studies but who do not satisfy the entry requirements may apply for admission to an undergraduate course .
9 This application is of benefit for queries to a computer that take place over a telephone and also for providing reading aids for the blind .
10 Three weeks ago Pears was rushed to hospital for x-rays to a head injury after being injured during a sevens tournament .
11 The amulets , including flat plates designed for attachment to a background material as well as three-dimensional figurines , featured a wide range of animals identified in mythology with attributes favourable to human well-being .
12 The SQL Access Group will sell the Call Level Interface , a high level language application programming interface for C and Cobol , which defines a set of calls for interfacing to a variety SQL implementations .
13 For , on the one hand , they dispensed valuable resources : opportunities for lamb-barrel politics were an incentive to people to participate in popular democracy , to stand for election to a committee , even if they doubted its suitability for managing a complex hierarchical organization .
14 An ardent but always non-violent feminist , she campaigned vigorously for women 's rights , fought hard to improve rudimentary state education and medical services , and was one of the first women to stand for election to a borough council after the passing of the Qualification of Women Act in 1907 .
15 In the Old Testament or Hebrew Bible , which is an important part of the sacred literature of all three religions , God is likened for instance to a judge , a king , a midwife and a mother eagle .
16 The result is that £67.50 is available for payment to a beneficiary .
17 He called for the formation of an Association " to keep a jealous eye over their interests , educational , moral and social , " and concluded his speech by suggesting that a committee be formed to draft the constitution for submission to a convention later in the year .
18 For adaptations to a property to enable an elderly person over 60 ) who is not the owner or tenant , but who intends to live in the property to be cared for by a friend or relative .
19 When applying for entry to a conversion course , past experience and qualifications will be taken into account , of course , but the demand for places on the 52-week courses is such that returning nurses are likely to be disadvantaged from those already practising .
20 In Britain the defence of the country has been left for centuries to a Navy which did its work out of sight .
21 provides a neutral law for parties to a contract neither of whom is willing to accept the law of the other 's country ;
22 Mr Fitzpatrick had been looking forward for months to a holiday in the States with his son .
23 The ascent is usually made from the charming village of Hartley , near Kirkby Stephen , where a rising road passing the huge Hartley Quarry is available for cars to a point where a cart track branches off and heads into the hills .
24 A grant of £7,905 has also been approved for work to a house on East Parade , Sedgefield .
25 Sea Bee Air 's ZK-DFC made her last flight ( above ) on August 26 from Ardmore to Mechanics Bay on the Auckland waterfront for transfer to a ship and the journey to Colorado .
26 FLAW has already been cited by the National Council for Vocational Qualifications ( NCVQ ) as the scheme most compatible for transfer to a language NVQ .
27 The Vendor is not party in relation to the Business or subject to any contract , covenant , commitments or arrangement of an onerous , unusual or long-term nature or having any provision which might reasonably be regarded as material for disclosure to a purchaser for value of the Business nor is it party to any contract likely to be unprofitable or to any contract made otherwise than in the ordinary and usual course of business as now carried on .
28 Rule 41 of the Statement of Changes in Immigration Rules ( HC 169 ) provides : ‘ A man seeking to enter the UK for marriage to a woman settled here and who intends to settle here thereafter ’ will be refused entry clearance unless the ECO is satisfied that it is not the primary purpose of the marriage to obtain admission to the UK .
29 ( g ) whether the takeover falls within the relevant criteria for reference to a merger control authority ( see Chapter 19 ) .
30 He yearned for escape to a place and an audience which would appreciate his talents to the full .
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