Example sentences of "was given to me [prep] " in BNC.

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1 I well remember a little cardigan from a High Street store that was given to me for my ( then ) six-month-old baby .
2 It was given to me as a present so I 'd feel funny about selling it myself , but you could maybe buy a pair of shoes for Sonja with it or something .
3 She said , ‘ You see , before the war , this was given to me as a present , and it was full of chocolates . ’
4 The watch was given to me as a surety by Meredith Putt , lord of Swinbrook Manor . ’
5 When she asks , you must on no account say that it went into the sea , because she will worry that it is a curse on you — or me as well , for it was given to me at my baptism .
6 ‘ Being a hijra was the only possibility for me ; there was no other career I could have pursued with the body that was given to me at birth .
7 Another native wood melick , Melica uniflora , was given to me in its variegated form .
8 Mary said : ‘ Within 20 minutes of his birth he was given to me in a blanket , still covered in blood .
9 " When your mother was given to me in marriage , my father and hers entered an agreement , Sara .
10 This recipe was given to me by a well-travelled customer on her return from the USA .
11 ‘ It was given to me by my grandmother , the lady Jacquetta , and has a curious history .
12 The passive is one such option in English ( cf. John gave me this book and This book was given to me by John , which are both unmarked ) .
13 There 's also a big , gold jewellery box that was given to me by my godmother .
14 It is not it was given to me by a nice gentleman from Napier College doing
15 ‘ It was given to me by someone who feels deeply on the subject , ’ he said .
16 I 'm glad you mentioned that cos it was given to me by the wife of the steeplechase handicap a very important man today cos for more than
17 I refer to a parliamentary answer that was given to me by the Under-Secretary of State for Employment , the hon. Member for Mid-Worcestershire ( Mr. Forth ) .
18 But , we know that April was a low figure , we also know that July and August are low a figure which comes out from this graph and was given to me by the director yesterday , is a genuine average which is turning out to be between a hundred and a hundred and ten placements per month twelve hundred to fourteen hundred placements per year a thr over a three year average residency period three thousand six hundred to four thousand two hundred placements in residential care , where then is the real problem .
19 Your name was given to me by Liz Robertson , in connection with Bruce Harris 's visit , and as I have failed to contact you by ‘ phone I thought I would write .
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