Example sentences of "was on the same [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The atmosphere in C was slightly more informal ; this was in large part due to the physical layout of the lecture rooms , which bore a greater resemblance to school classrooms — students sat on chairs at desks and the lecturer 's podium was on the same level as the desks , allowing lecturers to move about the room answering questions .
2 The bedroom was on the same level as the terrace , the small sitting-room and the kitchen , and so she waited for the sound of another door or footsteps on the stone staircase down to the entrance hall .
3 ( Indeed , underreporting of cases may be a reason for the relatively low rural miscarriage ratio in Table 12 , which is lower than the ratio of the " other urban " places , while the still birth ratio that is based on complete registration of late fetal deaths was on the same level — 7.5 per 1,000 live births — in both rural and " other urban " areas . ) .
4 I do n't think I was on the same wavelength as the Prime Minister almost from the start , although I did work for her beforehand and try to pull together some of the policies .
5 The Duke 's rooms were on the first floor , in the new buildings of the castle , and Antoinette 's room was on the same floor .
6 ‘ Of course I was on the same squadron as him for a time . ’
7 We arranged that we should take turns to cook for whomsoever was on the same watch .
8 Everything else was on the same scale — an orchestra of sixty players to dance to , eight large buffets with four tiers on each so laden with food that hardly an inch of rosewood or mahogany showed , a winter garden where gentlemen could smoke their cigars , and a long terrace where perspiring dancers could escape the candle fumes and wander in the warm , starlit twilight .
9 Erm that was on the same vein and they got they got a ce er a certain amount of national er erm national er publicity .
10 On the plane she found herself sitting next to the Knitting correspondent of a women 's magazine who was on the same press jaunt .
11 The resolution was on the same lines as that put forward on Oct. 23 by the UN Special Committee on the Implementation of the Declaration on Decolonization , which expressed its " conviction that the pursuit of a direct dialogue between the two parties to the conflict naturally contributed to the ( peace ) process ' .
12 It was on the same road we are following now . ’
13 It was on the same wall as the door , to the left of it and just beside the telephone .
14 On Feb. 1 the Turkish ambassador in Athens was temporarily recalled and two days later the Turkish consul-general in Komotini was expelled for referring to the Moslems in the area as fellow countrymen , while the Greek consul-general was on the same day expelled from Istanbul .
15 He would always remember handing over the final payment , because it was on the same day as the first big aeroplane raid over London and he spent most of that night hiding under his father 's bed , with both Sal and Kitty clinging on to him for dear life .
16 I reali I realized it was on the same day Mark .
17 The transmitter was on the same wave-length as a passing radio-cab .
18 According to someone who knows both of them well and was on the same flight back to America with them from Frankfurt it was clear that Brandi had no prior knowledge of what was about to happen .
19 In fact , he was on the same traffic spot as myself and he told me , ‘ They 're after me .
20 Yeah but I was , I was on the same place as I was one behind him !
21 But in this quarry now in when we were working for everybody was on the same bonus , you know they was they were all partners .
22 She might as well try Veronica 's house again , although she was disturbed to find that she was on the same track as hordes of newspaper reporters .
23 I shouted thanks and crossed over , though I was on the same side as every local runner .
24 The strange thing was they did n't seem to mind that he was on the same terms with judges , cops and lawyers .
25 I was on the same delegation to Russia and the Ukraine .
26 Uncertain of the kind of climate which awaited her , she 'd consulted her hastily purchased travel guide , to be informed that Copenhagen was on the same latitude as Newcastle-on-Tyne in England and shared similar weather patterns .
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