Example sentences of "was hold [adv] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 However , this morning Beth Christie was brighter than usual ; she planned to shop for the dinner party she was holding later in the week .
2 He was holding on to the hand of one of the passengers who was bleeding rather badly .
3 When she recovered she was holding on to the edge of the table for balance .
4 It was holding on to the tree but I pulled it off .
5 And then she was holding on to the branches , feeling where the Robemaker had hacked and sawn at them , knowing she must be hurting the Larch even more , and trying to be as gentle as possible .
6 She was holding on by a thread .
7 Mrs Sweet was holding out on the police .
8 Instead , he was holding out like a carrot a heart-stopping headlong plunge into a new dimension of existence .
9 She sensed that he was holding back with a massive effort , suppressing his own hunger with iron discipline .
10 The Brigadier , a little flushed with good wine , was holding forth about the qualities of modern officers .
11 The rain was holding off for a while and the streets were drying in patches .
12 He was giving her orders : she was to hold on to the edge of the pool and breathe deeply in and out .
13 The essence of doublethink was to hold absolutely to the given motive but also simultaneously to its contradiction : that is after all what dialectical thinking is all about .
14 The square ahead , Piazza Verziere , commemorates one of the city 's best fruit and vegetable markets which was held here in the nineteenth-century .
15 The festival was held outdoors for the first eighty years , but moved indoors after torrential rain caused the collapse of the stage as the congregation were singing The Heavens are Telling !
16 A conference of northern local authorities was held soon after the January 1986 announcement of the Tunnel project in order to consider its likely impact on the region , and the North of England Regional Consortium has lobbied the government ever since for improved transport links .
17 The ant endeavoured to escape , but was held fast by the clammy juice at the points of the hairs , which was drawn out by its feet into fine threads .
18 That country was held fast in the grip of a most oppressive regime and there was never the remotest possibility that anyone could come .
19 Proper planning was held up for a time until the route of the M4 was decided , as an early outline brought it through Harpsden and over Peppard .
20 The arrival of the Italian soldiers was held up for a time while the Italian government bargained for an Italian to command the UN forces ( the commander is , as it happens , a Brazilian ) .
21 Then the funeral was held up for a few days , and we soon realised that the effect was indeed cosmetic and nothing more .
22 The start of trading on the New York and American Stock Exchanges was held up for an hour yesterday after a fire , caused by an electrical fault , broke out in the building housing the exchanges ' computer systems , writes Mary Brasier in New York .
23 Highfield came back strongly and should have scored in front of the posts but lost possession their hooker was held up on the line , their only reward was a penalty from their captain Terry Dillon .
24 I was actually mugged on holiday er then years ago and I was held up with a gun and it was the most horrendous feeling
25 There was also a particular association of such patronage with Carolus Magnus — " senior Charles " who from young Charles 's earliest years was held up as a role-model for him .
26 Play was held up as the goalkeeper 's knee was strapped up .
27 Perhaps it 's the kind of example , in the same way that Westminster Council was held up as an example , and it 's now being criticized by the district auditor .
28 CHRONIC asthma sufferer Jeffrey Harrison was held up as an example of the alleged inadequacy of student loans and NHS funding by Labour yesterday .
29 When I changed buses there was just time to get the sweets and bananas — the bananas were very good today ; and on the other bus there was a nice driver who said that if I sat near the front he would let me off at the crossing if he was held up in the traffic , instead of my going on to the bus stop and having to walk back ; because of the rain . ’
30 She was most welcoming and wanted their children to have their friends in , she was a neighbourly woman , but if those children were still what she called ‘ hanging around ’ by the time dinner was ready and she was held up in the business of getting the evening meal dealt with , it put her out .
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