Example sentences of "was hold [adj] [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Criminal statistics , which reflect only the informal justice which was held compatible with these all-too-human streets , and faded photographs of carefully posed moments of tranquillity , tell us one thing about this ‘ stable and carefree era ’ .
2 As Table 8.3. shows , the discount rate of the National Bank , which is a fairly good indicator of the whole structure of interest rates , was held fixed throughout 1980 and 1981 at 6 per cent .
3 An exclusion of liability for negligence in a consumer contract was held unreasonable at first instance in Woodman v Photo Trade Processing Ltd ( 1981 ) , unreported where a clause in a contract for the processing of photographs provided that in the event of loss the processor was only to be liable for the value of the unprocessed material .
4 Thus in Frost v Aylesbury Dairy Co [ 1905 ] 1 KB 608 , the supplier was held liable under this section for the supply of milk for household purposes contaminated with typhoid .
5 The cattle owner was held responsible for any damage done by his animal .
6 The general opinion was that the court was ‘ vulgar and in bad taste ’ , but interestingly enough it was not the King who was held responsible for this state of affairs .
7 Mutalibov , President of Azerbaijan from May 1990 , resigned in March 1992 but was returned to office briefly in May after his successor Yagub Mamedov was held responsible for Azeri defeats in the disputed Armenian enclave of Nagorny-Karahakh .
8 A gun 's been recovered after the latest attack , in which a store manager was held captive for six hours .
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