Example sentences of "was as [adj] [conj] [art] " in BNC.

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1 That 's absolute crap , he was so he was as sober as the day comes I can tell you and it was just a joke .
2 Aunt Margaret was as fragile as the first white shoots put trembling out by a bulb kept in a pot in a dark airing-cupboard .
3 That day , Arnór Jarlaskáld had made one of his erratic descents upon Orkney , and the talk in the hall was worth listening to , as was the singing , but it was as well that the women should know when to leave .
4 I was as awesome as an Arab raiding-party in a Yorkshire village .
5 My personal space-time was as dislocated as the impersonal one .
6 was as drunk as the lord last night
7 The mixture of incomprehensible lunacy and clear truth was as surreal as the life she was living ; treading a thin line between the sharks in her room and Bryony , waiting for those times of distant peace , when she could watch the moving clouds through her window in simple tranquillity ; descending nightly into drugged black sleep , and carefully , anxiously behaving herself as inconspicuously as possible in front of the inhabitants of the house .
8 He was as tall as the Great Wall behind her , but with a lean solidity that was every bit as impressive as the policeman 's sheer bulk .
9 It was an elderly gypsy who had been sitting silently all evening , and the voice was as rough as the open road but when it sang the room became quiet .
10 Perhaps Gwen Evans was as pure as the driven snow .
11 A powerful sitter may also impose a requirement that the portrait looks impressive , so that an amused spectator can look for traces of the consequent power struggle in a picture ; Queen Elizabeth I of England was as firm as the Emperor Augustus about the principle that a ruler 's actual appearance matters less than the imprint of authority .
12 Her mind was as hot as the mustard , words wanting to spill out , dirty the front of a yellow piqué dress .
13 The sky above the glittering slate roofs was as blue as the curious lilies which had just begun to come out under the dining-room window , trumpet flowers set like the seed-head of a dandelion but as blue as — the sky .
14 She had done sterling service already , and was as inert as a ship can well be — which is actually , as we have already speculated , not quite inert after all .
15 She was as reckless as the DK , but Bernice suspected that until recently she 'd been more cautious .
16 At fifty-five his stomach was as flat as an ironing board .
17 Dalgliesh had been left with an uneasy feeling that neither case was as straightforward as the reports made it appear , but certainly there was no prima facie evidence of foul play in connection with either of the two deaths .
18 The melancholy was as asphyxiating as the soundtrack offence with its cacophony of four-letter obscenities .
19 That was as far as the Washington consensus on European policy went .
20 The League of Nations and the Danzig Senate exchanged notes of protest , but that was as far as the League pursued the matter .
21 That was as far as the conversation went , for I decided to end it by pushing open the screen door .
22 It seemed this was as far as the couple had thought ; as though that would be it .
23 That was as far as the books said you should go .
24 Lydham Heath was as far as the railway had managed to get on its way to Wales .
25 The sound was as final as the closing of a coffin lid .
26 If Saint Monday was as normal as the modern Saturday , then why was so much fuss made about it ?
27 He showed me a little thing , the size of a hazelnut , in the palm of my hand , and it was as round as a ball .
28 The Chaplain 's face was as round as a moon .
29 Eventually it was as faint as the steady tap-tap of a distant woodpecker .
30 From the back of the hummock a figure appeared and began moving unhurriedly up the hill on an irregular route , at times coming obliquely towards the Friar , and then abruptly changing direction and seeming to go away from him : thus tacking and weaving the man was as inconspicuous as a partridge on ploughland , so that if the Friar turned his eyes from him for a moment he was difficult to rediscover , so perfectly did he merge with the duns , browns , russets , and half-greens of the wood .
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