Example sentences of "was work on the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 I try to work against the way I was taught , which was to work on the paintings as a whole and bring things up to a certain degree of finish .
3 Pressure was worked on the scale of ‘ megabars ’ .
4 Using just four rows of pattern , this sample was worked on the Singer Big Nine and after the first four rows was extremely easy to work .
5 They were standing at the desk by now and the girl was working on the bill .
6 By the time Darwin was working on the Origin of Species , the man who was to become his great opponent in the USA , Louis Agassiz , was using diagrams to show how the various families of fish had flourished and declined through the geological epochs ; and in his handsome volumes of 1857 , Contributions to the Natural History of the United States , I and II , he included a plate of turtles to show the range of variation within a species .
7 I remember when I was working on the building sites in Manchester , the Irish lads called onions " navvies ' apples " and some of them would peel them and eat them whole like fruit .
8 In fact the script , which saw American lawyer Thomas Ward cleared of the charge of stealing £5.2 million from Guinness while he was working on the brewing giant 's takeover of Distillers Group , did little more than tie up the loose ends of the storyline .
9 I was working on the gardens and we had to sweep all the grounds .
10 Michel Laclotte came at the time he was working on the Musée D'Orsay .
11 Partly Byzantine and partly Romanesque , it was altered in the Gothic period by Arnolfo di Cambio when he was working on the cathedral .
12 All this time I was working on the hero 's book .
13 At the time , Dr. Zúñiga was working on the case of student Ernesto Castillo Páez , who ‘ disappeared ’ after he was reportedly detained by police on 21 October 1990 in Lima .
14 I came down when my husband was working on the factory site then as I say , prior to us coming to live here this was had n't been even built so we 've seen it grow from the floor to what it is today , you know ?
15 There is no doubt that in The Family Reunion he was attempting that re-integration of religious and secular drama which he discussed at the time he was working on the play .
16 This is hardly surprising , since its gestation period comprised the years in which Eliot was working on the Notes .
17 Fire officer Stewart Reeve said the engineer was working on the freezer when he was overcome by gas .
18 I was working on the safe .
19 Lowell , also stressed by Rose 's absence , was working on the nocturne .
20 It was Sunday and Mark was working on the address he was to give at Trinity College , Dublin .
21 He was practically running the department while I was working on the store for him , and he 's ready for further things than that ,
22 That year the twenty-five-year-old Cocteau was working on the book of Parade , Diaghilev 's controversial new ballet which was to express the new spirit in the arts , with music by Satie and Cubist costumes and sets by Picasso .
23 Perhaps he was working on the island again .
24 In America Clarence Perry was working on the design principles of a ‘ neighbourhood unit ’ , and Frank Lloyd Wright advocated the ultimate in decentralized living in ‘ Broadacre City ’ .
25 Others suggested that such functionality would be integrated at the motherboard level , and that Sun was working on the technology independently to its current emulation partner , the UK 's Insignia Software of High Wycombe .
26 But he mentioned in an essay the degree to which certain forms of anaemia were conducive to such creation ; and , in our conversation that day , he described how , when he was working on The Waste Land in Switzerland in 1921 ( ‘ by the waters of Leman ’ ) , he felt at one moment that his brain was going to burst .
27 He was part of a delegation that went to the BBC to complain about proposed cuts to the Third Programme , the " cultural " channel of the broadcasting service ; he was working on the Commission for the Revised Psalter ; he was asked to give evidence to the Parliamentary Commission on Obscene Publications ( he had had very little experience of pornographic literature , he told the members of that commission , and his own work was " quite anodyne " ) .
28 On this evidence therefore it seems possible that , on the evening of 14 May , AFHQ was working on the assumption that Loehr 's forces , including hundreds of thousands of Germans , had already surrendered to 5 Corps or were about to do so , and therefore that the German element in those forces might be included in the " 500,000 " Germans whom AFHQ was asking SHAEF/12th Army Group to take over .
29 Washington has expressed its willingness to change the venue for the summit from Vancouver to Moscow if the Russian side makes such a request , but Mr Clinton said he was working on the assumption that it would take place in Canada as planned .
30 Erm a lot of it was working on the side .
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