Example sentences of "was use [verb] [adj] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 The Mann-Whitney test was used to compare continuous variables ( Minitab data analysis software release , State College , Pennsylvania ) .
2 Student 's paired t test was used to compare basal UOS pressure for the six seconds before the common cavity to the six seconds after the onset of the common cavity .
3 One isotope was used to label both phases of the meal because the gamme detector can not discriminate between isotopes .
4 Much of the original wooden machinery is intact — it was used to drive two pairs of millstones for grinding corn .
5 A hydraulic ram was used to open these gates by means of chains passing over pulleys on the lintel of the frame , giving a velocity ration of 3 to 1 .
6 As a further control , an IgG antibody to an unrelated determinant in human liver and colon was used to stain 36 sections of human colon to ensure that there was no non-specific binding of IgG ( data not shown ) .
7 This information was used to confirm residential details and parental names .
8 The paired Student 's t test was used to assess sequential changes .
9 Indeed it was used to teach such pilots as Flt Sub-Lt Warneford who was awarded a Victoria Cross for shooting down the first Zeppelin .
10 Proportional hazards analysis was used to estimate relative risks adjusted for several covariates .
11 It was used to print religious texts in Cyrillic characters and was able to function even during the period of Turkish overlordship after 1499 , when Cetinje was incorporated into the sandžak of Skadar .
12 I had a friend who had one of those ancient slide machines which was used to give light shows , and you could make the slides out of coloured oils and inks and put them together between two sheets of glass and when they 're heated up inside the machine , they went , splat , splat , and made these rather beautiful moving colours .
13 The two sample Wilcoxon 's rank sum test was used to analyse unpaired observations and the Wilcoxon 's signed rank test to analyse paired observations .
14 Infectious ecotropic Bcl-2/PURO virus was prepared from culture supernatants of E cells , transfected with the Bcl-2/PURO vector and this was used to infect Rat-1/c-Myc-ER cells .
15 The χ 2 test was used to determine significant differences in gastroduodenal injury and symptoms between Helicobacter pylori positive and negative subjects .
16 One of these summary reports was used to identify good teachers and good teaching , in the context of the White Paper Teaching Quality and the discussion of teacher appraisal .
17 Southern blotting was used to identify positive clones which were then sequenced to provide direct evidence for the existence of the new isoform .
18 Undoubtedly , ‘ voluntary ’ Saxon labour was used to expedite these tasks .
19 Immunohistochemical staining using antiserum reacting against complement factor C3d was used to visualize neuritic plaques .
20 When democracy returned , the chairmanship was used to reward political services and to advance careers .
21 The wool saved was used to knit new toes and heels .
22 A logistic regression model was used to separate 3 groups : undetectable PTHrP ( <2 pmol/L ) was associated with good response in all seven patients ; PTHrP in 2–12 pmol/L with good response in 10 of 14 treatments ; and PTHrP 12 pmol/L with a poor response in all 11 treatments ( fig 2 ) .
23 One frog was used to coat fifty arrowheads .
24 The additional capital was used to buy International Stores from BAT .
25 The structure in the bowling crease was used to co-ordinate two cameras which filmed bowlers from side-on and from directly behind the arm .
26 Group work ( often favoured by teachers in informal schools ) was used to develop individual gifts and abilities .
27 Earlier in the day Pask had bought a kitchen knife similar to this one Mr Williamson said that knife was used to inflict dreaful injuries .
28 It was used to try ecclesiastical matters and to settle disputed wills and land settlements .
29 In addition to wine cups rhinoceros horn was used to make small sculptures of such traditional figures as Kuan Yin and Pu Tai , as well as a variety of desk furniture , toilet requisites and personal ornaments .
30 The animals not only provided dairy products , meat , leather and wool for clothing ; bone was used to make such things as combs , weaving tools and netting needles .
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