Example sentences of "was come [adv prt] of the " in BNC.

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1 Towards the end of a long and tiring night shift , when news was coming through of the murder of another member of the RUC , one policeman in particular decided to put the field-worker through a test of trust .
2 He was coming out of the rough and flying .
3 ‘ Ah ! ’ explained Jim , ‘ I wondered about that one , I shot it at dusk Sunday night as it was coming out of the ’ Grove ’ , that 's a small wood young lady' he explained .
4 Cis was coming out of the Co-op one day ( hoping that Rich had not , yet again , taken some cigarettes and put them on her account ) , when she met a bristle-moustached Meredith Jones who demanded , ‘ How can you let him do it ? ’
5 A train was coming out of the tunnel .
6 He was therefore scowling as he bumped into his own wife , who was coming out of the Russell Inn just as he was entering .
7 It seems that the Battler and Rico let fly at somebody who was coming out of the back door of the Regal Arms .
8 I met her one day when she was coming out of the hairdresser 's and I 'd been in to make an appointment for Caroline .
9 In the summer , we were told that Britain was coming out of the recession .
10 Richie 's voice , slightly distorted , was coming out of the V of his jacket .
11 There were four long rings and then it cut out , but before it stopped , Cawthorne was coming out of the farmhouse and walking quickly towards the Paddock .
12 As he was coming out of the anaesthetic following brain surgery , a reporter from " The Sunday Sport " gained access to his hospital room and purported to interview him .
13 I do n't remember what the man looked like but he was coming out of the Arts Centre with his wife , took off his glasses and stepped in between the thugs and me .
14 I actually hear Lisa the other night she was coming out of the bath , oh she said , the bath 's cold .
15 I I will always remember the poor guy who was coming out of the showers with a hard on
16 Not with the head injuries , no , it was a group of the and he was coming out of the just coming out some pub down in Conasquay and he was these lads were all singing , apparently this is what happened anyway , they were all singing and you know making merry and he said , what are you all so cheerful about or something ?
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