Example sentences of "was not the [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The implication is that industrialisation was not the planned result of a dynamic , forward-thinking group but a reaction to a crisis ( Chilcote and Edelstein 1974 ) .
2 This will be on the ground that the breach of duty was not the legal cause of the damage and will be expressed by saying that the damage was too remote .
3 It was not the complete answer to the problem , and I doubt if anyone will find it , but it works better than anything else I know .
4 The class of people for whom this may have been of paramount importance was not the traditional aristocracy which had never been involved in work , having merely inherited their estates , but those termed the nouveaux riches , the use of which term implies a much more direct involvement in the work process as the basis for capital accumulation .
5 This year their new year 's dinner was not the traditional pig , but 12 ounces of frozen chicken a head and three bottles of rum to a family .
6 Miss D'Arcy might be a young woman with a remarkable inheritance , but there were others , and money was not the sole factor at moments such as this .
7 On the facts , however , the accused was not the sole proprietor .
8 Mr Prescott also warned that simply pumping public money into the railways was not the sole answer .
9 While it was not the sole cause of this , the poll tax was undoubtably the most important single factor .
10 The coming of the railways had a considerable effect upon the prosperity of canal companies but was not the sole cause of their decline .
11 He had picked up on his travels that the future history of Earth was not the progressive revolution which he and many others had imagined .
12 The LSO at this period was not the greatest instrument , and Elgar sometimes drives the players beyond their real capabilities but goodness , how they play their hearts out for him .
13 Defence agent Jack Gowans said : ‘ It was not the best day for my clients to chose because it was a dawdle for the police to catch up with them . ’
14 By 1962 — the critical year of decision — it had become bound up with high politics ( rupturing a prestige Anglo-French collaborative project was not the best way of smoothing Britain 's path to EEC membership ) and the phenomenon of imperial surrogate whereby hi-tech enterprises became a substitute and a consolation for loss of empire .
15 Ottaviani continued to believe that ‘ error has no rights ’ and argued for repression ; Cardinal Augustin Bea , President of the newly created Secretariat for Christian Unity , shared Pope John 's judgement that ‘ condemning errors ’ was not the best way to open up a conversation ( or dialogue ) with other Christians or the modern world .
16 As it transpired this was not the best way to support the staff with their problems of low morale .
17 ‘ That terrain was tax , and I believe it was not the best territory for us to choose . ’
18 ‘ That terrain was tax and I believe it was not the best territory for us to choose . ’
19 T was not the best night for standing around in the cold wind and rain ( OK so it 's undercover , but the wind do n't half blow through there ) watching telly ( and paying a fiver for the priviledge of doing so )
20 Searching on hands and knees at the crack of dawn was not the best start to a day , especially a day like this one !
21 A boat was not the best place for the kind of romance Aveling preferred .
22 But let me make it very clear that it probably was not the best place , a Pathfinder station , for anyone to get near to absorbing the incredible state of affairs .
23 but erm er I think that er that picture I borrowed , I mean with her permission of course , erm and er I think it was hung up in the bathroom or somewhere , which was not the best place for a photograph to be really .
24 If this was not the primary motivation within the Treasury , then it certainly was amongst those in the Foreign and Commonwealth Office who were keen not to be ‘ out of step ’ in Europe .
25 That unemployment fell as a result of war is an undeniable fact , but it was not the primary reason for the decision to fight the war .
26 ‘ So this was not the ancient site of Paddy Belshazzar 's famous feast ! ’
27 What he most wanted to know about was not the ancient world but modern politics with its historical background .
28 There must also have been a great number of ferns , lycopods and horsetails existing as understorey plants but also isolated in dense swards , There was not the wide-scale domination of conifers hinted by Benton which somewhat invokes a picture of foodless dark plantation-style forests .
29 The battle bus was not the great nerve centre of the nation which it might have appeared .
30 He said it was not the small investor but the ‘ fecklessness , gullibility , and incompetence of the Government , which for months and for years , ignored all the warnings .
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