Example sentences of "was not [verb] [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 There was some opposition in the Committee but it was not pressed to division , and it seems that the restrictions were reluctantly accepted as part of a package deal to get agreement on the report as a whole .
2 So the budget fixed for the current year was £20 million and the £7 million underspent in the first two years of the scheme did not go back to the Treasury — it was not lost to computerisation — but was committed to the further development of GP computerisation .
3 Although the Nigeria debate was a relative success after a year of criticism , its significance was not lost on Law : it was held on the subject central to Unionist economic attitudes ; Law and Steel-Maitland were singled out for censure , a pointer to the level of party discontent Party feeling had built up much as Law 's own had done ; having fought off the direct attack , he took the party along with him in the effort to reconstruct the government on more businesslike lines .
4 Once a recommendation for deportation had been made it was rare for the Movement to try to reverse the order , though the irony of sending youngsters back to the source of their unhappiest memories was not lost on refugee workers .
5 Her right to maintenance was not lost by desertion .
6 The famous mithraeum was not built from scratch but was adapted from a grotto/nymphaeum , the remains of which are still attached to the present structure to a height of twelve metres .
7 Management was not built around care plans and reviews … and there was little involvement at senior level .
8 A progressive tax on the more productive regions and peasants might have been more just and welcome from the political point of view , but it was not applied for fear of removing the incentive to sow from the better-placed peasants .
9 But this elaborate system of administrative allocation was not applied in practice , because there was not enough foreign exchange to meet all the ‘ socially verified needs ’ .
10 [ The Finer Report was not debated in parliament until over a year after it was published , and few of its recommendations on housing , law and benefits were implemented .
11 The two patients who had a late relapse died , and in another patient death was not related to lymphoma .
12 I think it dawned on him then for the first time that there were two streams , and that the pond was not formed by Burden Creek .
13 Sulphate reducing bacteria were never detected , and methane excretion was not affected by sulphate feeding .
14 Muscle relaxation was not affected by tetrodotoxin and therefore unlikely to be mediated by neural elements .
15 The [ ClO ] change per uptake current was not affected by raising [ Na + ] from 0 to 30mM to reduce the fractional change of [ Na + ] i produced by uptake , suggesting that the ClO efflux was not produced secondarily by a Na + -dependent anion carrier like the Na + /HCO co-transporter. d-f , Data from cells filled with ClO. d , Uptake currents at -43mV ( top ) and extracellular ClO accumulation ( bottom ) evoked by 30μM L-Glu , D-Asp , NMDA , kainate ( KA ) and quisqualate ( QUIS ) ( data typical of 5 cells ) .
16 The rate of gall bladder disease was not affected by age ( Table I ) .
17 For experimental subjects tested after retention intervals ranging from 2 hours to 1 month memory was surprisingly accurate and was not affected by retention interval unless other parking episodes were iterpolated .
18 The Company was not acting on behalf of the government when it entered into the concession agreement .
19 ‘ It is convenient to consider first whether the judge was correct in holding that the husband , whatever else he may have done , was not acting as agent for the bank for the purposes of procuring the signature of the wife to the charge .
20 The Portuguese Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs , José Durao Barroso , chaired the meetings , but stressed that he was not acting as mediator , a role still officially held by Zaïre 's President Mobutu .
21 Certainly , if the memorandum could be regarded as a contract , there might be difficulties because the transaction was not supported by consideration .
22 Although a detailed sexual history was not recorded before operation only three of 71 men ( 4% ) have had any sexual dysfunction after pouch construction .
23 Of course , the validity of the historical ages was not proven beyond doubt , but it was realised that tree rings could provide the truly ‘ known-age ’ material needed to test the accuracy of the new technique .
24 At the beginning of Mary 's reign Sir Ralph Sadler was not saved from ejection from the office of Master of the Great Wardrobe ; yet his life tenure did preserve him as Keeper of the Hanaper in Chancery from 1535 until 1587 .
25 He must have wondered what the outcome of it all would be , though he was not to remain in doubt for much longer .
26 This , however , did not conclude the matter in the applicants ' favour for they then had to show that the warrant to intercept ( which Taylor J. accepted was issued ) was not granted in accordance with the established criteria .
27 The United Kingdom pointed out that , if the flag was not granted in accordance with international law , third countries might not recognise the vessel as genuinely bearing the nationality of the flag which it purported to fly , and it referred to the separate opinion of Judge Jessup in Case concerning the Barcelona Traction , Light and Power Co .
28 Emancipation was not to arrive without conflict and growing recognition of that truth stimulated a more radical strain in antislavery which took the form of the demand for immediate emancipation .
29 ( I have included the concluding six words , although the need for them was not explored in argument , since without them the position would be frozen as it was in 1987 , which would be absurd . )
30 Although hierarchy was not expressed by ritual along the coastal strip , inequality remained fundamental to perceptions of caste .
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