Example sentences of "was a [noun sg] [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 He was a countryman at heart , and although these past weeks had been tremendous fun , it was lovely to see the grass and trees and a blue sky unclouded by smoke .
2 There was a rat-at-tat of machinegun fire and several windows shattered .
3 Donna was one of life 's cheerleaders ; her teeth were a triumph of the orthodontic trade , her hair was a confection of gel , spray and heat , and her body was a tribute to wholesome American food and exercise .
4 Mrs MacDonald was a Calgarian by birth , and her husband had been moved north by his firm to run the huge refinery that was now the pride of Tollemarche .
5 her solicitor husband Edwin was a cousin of writer John Galsworthy .
6 Then there was a spread of relief , an outbreak of joy , a contagion of exuberance .
7 Just above the spot where Carey had stood to fish was a spread of broom , so close to the edge that it seemed to be rooted in granite .
8 There was a spread of farm buildings visible beyond the trees .
9 He said there was a doctrine of fear in the Government about the treaty instead of what should be a doctrine of opportunity .
10 There was a hum of excitement in the incident room that had not existed when Blanche and Dexter had left earlier that evening .
11 There was a hum of machinery , and a hiss of expelling air .
12 It was a plan of action .
13 Analysis of the data by an analysis of variance for growth showed that the treatment groups were significantly different from the controls ( p<0.001 ) and that there was a treatment with time interaction — that is , the rate of growth was not the same for all treatments ( p<0.001 ) .
14 One of the reasons why Sami and Jamal were so happy to cooperate with the Americans was that Younis belonged to the Syrian-backed Amal militia , which had burned Jafaar and Hamadan poppy fields and destroyed their processing labs , and here was a chance for revenge .
15 the trial judge formed the view that there was a chance of success and disallowed s.11 of the limitation act 1980 .
16 Bean was a boy of wit and resource , and might find a way of deliverance .
17 There was a boy at school who was deaf , but he could read lips so we did n't have to shout .
18 There was a boy at school had fits .
19 I wondered if there was a boy in fact , and whether Hereward knew something about him , ’ Laura finished off .
20 He was a champion against humbug in all its forms .
21 ‘ But most significantly , both ran at times when there was a mood of stagnation and disunity in America .
22 There was a fleck of amusement at the corner of Captain Rudakov 's mouth .
23 This was a mixture of anaemia and depression .
24 There was a mixture of irritation and concern in his voice .
25 But the most common motive for protest was a mixture of worry about the dangers , mistrust of uncontrolled technological advance , and anger at the way the authorities were ignoring public opinion .
26 The occupation in practice was a mixture of idealism and pragmatism underpinned by a potent sense of what was in the best interests of American foreign policy .
27 And he says the mood on board the freedom flight , the Scarlet Lady was a mixture of relief and regret .
28 Iris 's grin was a mixture of pity and condescension .
29 I spoke to him about this and he confided that it was a mixture of polyurethane and Danish oil .
30 With Jackie it was a mixture of pride and the fear of being sent back to London that drove him on .
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