Example sentences of "was [indef pn] [prep] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 After a week Harry returned to Maurice , once again when there was no-one on the boat , took away his consignment of hairdryers , and threw the lantern and the paving-stones overboard .
2 But today there was no-one at the office which appeared to have been burgled .
3 There was no-one by the lakeside : the wind cuffed the water lightly and took the murmurs of the crowd behind her yet further away .
4 The charge alleges that although he knew Mr Buckley , of Prince Regent Street , Leith , had been trapped after the blast , Sutherland pretended to the emergency services that there was no-one in the house .
5 After the agony of the scene on the station I felt that there was no-one in the world on my side .
6 There was no-one in the room at the time for Murray had only newly lit the fire and the table was still unlaid apart from the great branching candelabra like silver trees .
7 ‘ There was no-one in the car and cattle had churned the ground so much that we could not with certainty detect footprints in the vicinity of the car 's entry into the water .
8 I mean if there was no-one in the car and the door was bloody open then
9 But no one barred the way , no one waved , there was nothing across the road .
10 At one point he knelt down and parted the heather with his hands , so sure was he that he had found it , but there was nothing but the scree and the tiny plants which grew amongst it .
11 For a while there was nothing but the click of ammunition , the scrape of boots , and the stink of Woolley 's rancour .
12 Then there was nothing but the river running wide and strong and dark and it was as if the highway had never existed .
13 What I said to you was nothing but the truth .
14 Beyond the wall there was nothing but the wildwood , a tangle of small oaks and patchy flowers , not yet destroyed by winter .
15 And then there was nothing but the ruin of the forests and a cloud of dust on the horizon , which drifted away on the breeze .
16 It was nothing but the stench of dead , rotting rats and of bats ' dung .
17 If that perimeter was broken , there was still the Gemioncourt farm by the ford which could be an anchor to a defensive line , but once Gemioncourt was captured there was nothing between the French and the crossroads .
18 Unfortunately ( or perhaps fortunately ) he was nothing of the kind .
19 For instance , a book on the influence of religious tradition on the education of women in Britain and India might include substantial chapters or whole sections on Hinduism , Buddhism and Christianity ; if the indexer therefore indexed HINDUISM , BUDDHISM , CHRISTIANITY , RELIGION , EDUCATION , WOMEN , INDIA , BRITAIN , the later combination of individual facets such as HINDUISM and BRITAIN might suggest , falsely , that the book was about Hinduism in Britain when in fact it was nothing of the kind .
20 ‘ You must be exhausted , ’ he immediately suggested , when she was nothing of the kind .
21 Oh no there was nothing of the kind no .
22 She was aware there was nothing of the servant in her voice .
23 It was nothing of the sort .
24 This would seem to imply a super-intelligence , but it was nothing of the sort .
25 But that was nothing to the agony of never seeing him again , her heart replied despairingly .
26 THE FLOW of cards and bouquets was nothing to the stream of very important people arriving at No 10 Downing Street yesterday .
27 If I had found the cramped interior of the U-boat at Kiel oppressive , it was nothing to the claustrophobia I felt inside the midget submarine , and I marvelled again at the courage and calm that had enabled Place and his crew to live a daily life in such surroundings , far less undertake and brilliantly accomplish their mission .
28 He retorted that it was nothing to the risk he had taken .
29 Her feet and hands were so cold they did n't seem to belong to her , but that was nothing to the coldness inside .
30 In it he told me that the blood he had spilt over my traitor 's proposal — his own blood — was nothing to the blood of the traitors that he would shed if the Aten fell , and it was his lot to take vengeance . ’
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