Example sentences of "was [v-ing] on the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 He was preaching on the text ‘ The Kingdom of Heaven suffereth violence , and violent men take it by force ’ .
2 FOREST 'S dismal season reached crisis point as they failed to beat a keeper who only this summer was struggling on the dole .
3 Sung was kneeling on the top of the dyke , staring across at the House as the dawn broke .
4 She was kneeling on the floor , wiping her hands together .
5 She was on Beth 's heels all the way back to the drawing room , and now , when Beth was seated in the big armchair and eagerly slitting open the envelope with the tortoise-shell letter-knife , Cissie was kneeling on the floor beside her .
6 Ruth , who was kneeling on the floor , turned also to look at her .
7 James was kneeling on the floor in front of one of the lacquer cabinets , which he had opened .
8 Matthew was kneeling on the floor looking into her eyes beside the couch and his arm was around her .
9 An elderly man was kneeling on the pavement , sawing a slice from the bottom of his front door , to prevent it from jamming .
10 Cissie was kneeling on the rug , her back to the fire and her slim body bent forward over the bath .
11 Gradually you saw this self-absorbed monarch stripped down of all his trappings , until a wonderful scene when he was kneeling on the ground staring at his reflection , and suddenly he shattered the mirror against his foreheard .
12 And now Little Billy was kneeling on the chair , gazing with longing through the window at the famous Forest of Sin .
13 She was kneeling on the steps next to the old iron railings that ran along the front of the terrace , her arms supporting the naked body of her little boy , and she was trembling with the effort of holding him still .
14 The Union Jack was fluttering on the television screen , and the National Anthem was booming out .
15 He laughed down his nose , trying to sound smooth , and a huge green plug of congealed snot landed with a ‘ thwap ’ on the back of my hand , which was resting on the bar .
16 Her mother was resting on the sofa , reading a magazine .
17 Elaine 's elbow was resting on the edge of hers and her hand was supporting her head .
18 The attack begins with the attacker taking one full step forward and punching outwards with his ‘ cocked ’ fist , that is , the one that was resting on the hip .
19 Mary cycled into Berkeley 's ancient square and acknowledged a cheery greeting from ‘ Old Jesus , ’ the bearded local tramp , who was resting on the Town Hall seat .
20 I reached over , lifted his hand from where it was resting on the table , toying with a piece of orange peel , and he leant forward with it , allowing me to take it as near to myself as I wanted .
21 Dougal 's arm was resting on the table .
22 Embarrassed both by her comments and by the expression on her face , Seb squeezed the hand she was resting on the cart in front of her .
23 Rosie was resting on the couch when Shelley went in .
24 Outside the Tivoli Theatre , it was raining on the photographs ( behind glass ) of all the pantomime stars .
25 and then she was girning on the phone because
26 Cos I know that like she said she did but I know she was getting really pissed off cos everyone was sticking on the music she was n't interested in and stuff .
27 know of her , see if she was speeding on the pavement
28 I could hear myself groaning like an old pig ! and the doctor told me to use all that energy I was expending on the noise to push with !
29 ‘ When Boro played Peterborough United in the Rumbelows League Cup I was cheering on the lads .
30 The single most difficult thing I found when using the Grafpad was to remember whether I was drawing on the screen or mapping the attributes .
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