Example sentences of "was [v-ing] with the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Our second example takes us back fifty years , to the second decade of the seventeenth century when Galileo was struggling with the question to which Boyle gave so easy an answer : whether the study of Scripture need hinder the study of nature .
2 Moreover , it must be remembered that the unit is extremely small , and also that by the time that man was struggling with the birth pangs of civilisation , it had already been produced , by the wondrous process of evolution , in astronomical numbers .
3 He unloosed the third and fourth and was struggling with the reins of the fifth when he heard voices on the path .
4 At that time , was experimenting with the immunization of monkeys with vaccines made with killed polio virus .
5 After that he was contending with the Saturday morning traffic of south east London .
6 Within minutes he was helping with the digging .
7 ‘ He was helping with the feeding of the stock like he does every morning .
8 They had returned to the Operations Room , where Bernice was surprised to hear Ace 's voice — as far as anyone knew she was recovering with the rest of her party on Moloch — and even more surprised to hear it raised in anger and directed at — of all people — the Doctor .
9 It looked as if he was copulating with the ice .
10 She was toying with the sand , scooping it up and letting it trail through her fingers , and she did n't see the expression in his eyes when he next spoke .
11 Like the NGC , the PFLP and DFLP suspected that Fatah was toying with the peace process .
12 ‘ I had holidayed several times in France and was toying with the idea of buying a house there , but with no definite plan in mind .
13 He was toying with the idea of bifocal spectacles on the eve of his appointment as Ambassador to France , and the future held a key role for him in the drafting of the American Constitution .
14 The Jungian concept of synchronicity was much on his mind because he was toying with the idea of using it to underpin the narrative structure of London .
15 I was toying with the idea of running one amongst us Leeds fans over the net , but I would just like to know if anyone 's even been in one before , and what it is like .
16 Er I was toying with the idea of getting out altogether out of the , I 'll be honest with double glazing .
17 And she was toying with the idea whether to go and do her midwifery cos that 's what she wanted to do
18 André was toying with the stem of his glass , and Simone looked quickly at Piers and then looked away .
19 Yesterday he was rowing with the boat race squad on this stretch of Thames at Wallingford when he complained he felt unwell .
20 A few miles away , at Andrews , Air Force One was landing with the body of Simon Cormack .
21 The Guardian of May 23 said that the fighting , previously " confined to sporadic small arms skirmishes " , was intensifying with the use of heavy weaponry and organized military formations .
22 The Fat Controller was sitting Ciceronian amongst the mob , and his intended victim was squeaking with the rest .
23 He told the court at Wakefield : ‘ I was grappling with the pit bull for about 10 minutes to get it off and I also got bitten . ’
24 By 1911 , Umberto Boccioni who was dead by 1916 , was grappling with the emotions of modern life ; the impact and anxieties of living in the stroboscopic uncertainties of a mechanised urban environment .
25 I reported the drop to Warton and asked what was happening with the rescue efforts .
26 She could hear a tiny voice somewhere , talking and pausing , as if somebody 's radio was interfering with the music , but by the time she left the room it had stopped .
27 It is said that he was interfering with the choir girls , some of whom were betrothed .
28 Lady Roscarrock was quivering with the rage of one who is certain she had God on her side .
29 Cos I was driving with the window open .
30 Celia was returning with the beer , three glasses in between her hands , her tongue wedged in that chip in her teeth .
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