Example sentences of "was [v-ing] [pron] of [art] " in BNC.

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1 One day Judge Raymond Dean was reminding us of the perils of ignoring men 's bestial nature-— ‘ Men ca n't turn their emotions on and off like a tap as some women can ’ ; the next , Prince Edward was vehemently denying his alleged homosexuality by expressing outrage that such an insult should be levelled at him ; meanwhile , on TV the Audi driver screeched to a halt at the hospital where — with toddler in arms — he managed narrowly to miss his second child 's birth , and Good Housekeeping boasted a curious advert showing New Man ( Audi safely in the garage ? ) in boxer shorts , cradling new baby , sitting on a German washing machine .
2 She opened her mouth to suggest that perhaps she could give him dinner at her hotel — and thereby eliminate any possibility of him putting his arm around her in his car — then found that she was suggesting nothing of the sort , but was asking , ‘ Did Mr Gajdusek ask you to invite me out ? ’ and was at once appalled that , Ven all too clearly not far away in her head , she had asked such a thing !
3 Hunt was acquiring something of a bad reputation : both for being accident-prone and for being excessively forthright .
4 During the first years of the Federal Republic , from 1949 to 1953 , when the Right was staging something of a recovery , attempts had been made to distinguish between ‘ insane Hitlerism ’ and the positive aspects of National Socialism .
5 Tufnell was still there to wheel away , but after his earlier successes , he was enduring something of a lean spell .
6 George Orwell was warning everyone of the plight of poverty-stricken masses , whose only salvation was socialism and not the sort recommended by vegetarian cranks in sandals .
7 ‘ I was doing nothing of the sort !
8 ‘ I was doing nothing of the kind , ’ she denied crossly , turning to face him .
9 Giles recalls one remark when Montini was criticizing the De Gasperi Christian Democratic government for inaction while denying that he was doing anything of the kind ( a typical Montini ploy ) : ‘ In political questions the Church has to be general , just as in religious matters she can not afford not to be particular ’ ( ibid. , p. 109 ) .
10 During the lengthy period when the story was running none of the major media outfits dealt seriously with the question of why the fleeing Kurds had ended up carpeting the mountainsides in misery .
11 He was learning something of the dead man 's background , admittedly from a biased witness , but any policeman knows that all witnesses are biased in some degree .
12 Churchill was telling everyone of the dangers in Europe but no one would listen .
13 A senior man in the Ministry of Defence was telling us of the ‘ battle for hearts and minds ’ which his department is conducting among the people of the border villages .
14 Sir Charles Webb-Bowen was delivering himself of a homily .
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