Example sentences of "was [v-ing] [noun] [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 He came into the hangar where Preston was gluing bits of plane together and told him he was taking one of the new chaps up for a spin .
2 The APF held only 30 of the 350 seats in the Supreme Soviet but was demanding transfer of power from the Supreme Soviet to the National Council , which comprised 50 Supreme Soviet deputies , half from the APF .
3 Like the style of coverage or not , we undoubtedly saw far more cricket than we ever would have done had BBC had the contract , and for that I for one am profoundly grateful and not ashamed to admit that I purchased my Sky system purely because it was producing coverage of cricket that otherwise would not be available on TV .
4 Derek , who was Catering Manager on board the flotel the MSV Tharos at the time , was directly involved on the night of the disaster .
5 The carpet sucked the soles of our shoes as we followed him through a drunken , grasping audience towards a small dressing room to the left of the stage , upon which Tanya was enjoying bananas for dessert .
6 On Friday , however , back at his natural weight , he looked sharp and crisp , and after forcing Rowe into a standing count was landing punches at will before the referee mercifully stopped the bout .
7 ‘ But when Gazza said the word beginning with F while he was representing England on TV before the Norway international , nothing was done .
8 On a day when Mr Kinnock was storming Southampton with helicopter and balloons , Prof Plant was quietly having lunch at home after a visit to his department .
9 On a day when Mr Kinnock was storming Southampton with helicopter and balloons , Prof Plant was quietly having lunch at home after a visit to his department .
10 As she did so , she felt him greedily lapping her love juice as if she was oozing nectar from heaven .
11 Rain was falling in London , where Sir David Attenborough was launching Water for Wildlife , a two-year campaign by the society .
12 Already the grass was becoming crisp with frost .
13 Miss Jarman demanded of the tall bony female who was returning glare for glare without any sign of backing down .
14 As I said at the beginning I think one should be wary about using the word natural , because sometimes people use it you know to promote something you know like on advertising you know it 's natural , must be good for you , but at the same time there are certain things that are natural that are very bad for you like death and if I were to say you know death is natural , nobody would think I was advocating suicide of course not .
15 Mortimer was eyeing Guy with belligerence , but his querulous challenge lacked conviction .
16 Soon he was seeking analogies in nature for the human beauty he wanted to unearth .
17 Just one of the students sponsored by their employer was seeking employment on completion — not surprisingly , the rest had jobs .
18 This raises the interesting possibility that Mancini 's insistence that Edward IV wanted his brother to be protector also derives from a version of events put about by the duke after he had seized the prince and was seeking recognition as protector .
19 This raises the interesting possibility that Mancini 's insistence that Edward IV wanted his brother to be protector also derives from a version of events put about by the duke after he had seized the prince and was seeking recognition as protector .
20 Palestinian nationalists became suspicious , since there were soon rumours that he was seeking recognition as Amir of Palestine in return for support of Zionist policy .
21 She was meeting friends for dinner that evening , but she might be able to snatch an hour later that night .
22 I was meeting Jenny for lunch .
23 Mr O'Malley brought the hay , and Sam was filling buckets of water .
24 Several guerrillas , wreathed in cartridge bandoliers , were reading comics near an empty café where an old man was picking crumbs of bread off a table .
25 The attacker , who was serving life for rape , was immediately transferred to another jail .
26 And she was ordering stuff for Nana , you know , fruits , sweets , crisps all sorts of things , upstairs and downstairs and chocolates in , you know , she 'd just go up the shops and buy them .
27 Darren started going to a special school , but in ‘ 84 my drinking did start getting out of hand and I was pushing Darren from pillar to post .
28 Maxim had finished his crab and was pushing bits of salad around his plate trying to identify them in the dimness and listening with half-turned head to a tenor saxophonist who had joined the guitar to swap phrases of the Beale Street Blues .
29 As late as November 1927 he was revising poems for inclusion in Winter Words , the book with which he intended to mark his 90th birthday , but on 11 December , as Professor Millgate writes , ‘ he found himself , for the first time in his life , quite unable to work ’ .
30 Hollywood 's Golden Boy was by 1968 an alcoholic who , like many another hellraiser , was sacrificing professionalism for booze .
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