Example sentences of "was [num] at [art] time " in BNC.

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1 Er I was forty at the time so I was five
2 Agoos was 22 at the time and even scored a hat-trick for the youth team during his brief spell at the Prenton Park club .
3 Agoos was 22 at the time and even scored a hat-trick for the youth team during his spell at Prenton .
4 I was twenty-one at the time and the whole experience gave me a lot of confidence . ’
5 Mr Fagan , who was 30 at the time , was not prosecuted for the trespass after the Director of Public Prosecutions ruled there was no evidence that the trespass was a criminal offence .
6 Moira was 12 at the time .
7 Moira was 12 at the time .
8 He also succeeded a pope , Celestine III , who was 85 at the time of his election and therefore over ninety at the time of his death .
9 But I was forty-six at the time !
10 ‘ I was in a competition and my daughter — who was three at the time — was watching .
11 I was fourteen at the time , so was she ; she sent me a signed photograph which I keep in the breast pocket of my school blazer until both photograph and blazer fell apart .
12 I was sixteen at the time .
13 I was ten at the time and attending Sir Robert Hitchams Primary School .
14 ‘ Naylor was ten at the time , was n't he ? ’
15 Louis XIV , who was 25 at the time , danced two roles a village maiden and a gypsy .
16 I was twelve at the time . ’
17 Anna was 38 at the time , a single parent with an 11-year-old daughter .
18 This programme was successfully carried through by Erwin Schrödinger and his results published early in 1926 , a classic counter-example to the assertion that distinguished theoretical physicists do their best work before they are 25 ( Schrödinger was 38 at the time ) .
19 I was fifteen at the time , and we were on holiday in the mountains .
20 Because Pliny the Elder had been so widely-esteemed , the historian Tacitus was anxious to find out more about the circumstances of his death , and about the eruption in general , so he asked Pliny 's nephew , who was seventeen at the time and survived the eruption , to provide him with details of what had happened .
21 She was 27 at the time and not residing with her parents .
22 I was nine at the time of the wedding and you just could not imagine how foolish I felt , dressed as a bride in all her finery , standing beside a six-year-old and with hundreds of people looking on .
23 The precocious actress , who was 16 at the time , played a young runaway whom Pitt 's character beats up , turns into a junkie and sells for sex .
24 She was 16 at the time , but later succeeded in qualifying as a lawyer .
25 ( 22 November 1780 ) The tenor , Anton Raaff , who was singing the title role , caused difficulties for different reasons — he was 65 at the time and his voice was past its best :
26 Miss Miller , who was 65 at the time of her death but had a mental age of two , died on November 7 last year from head injuries .
27 She was 15 at the time of the wedding , and was to present him with seven children , among them the future Charles I. She also presented him with an embarrassing situation by deciding after a while to become a Roman Catholic .
28 Julie Dixon , who was eighteen at the time of the murder , has been awarded an undisclosed sum by the Criminal Injuries Compensation Board for the loss of parental support she suffered .
29 The girl , now 16 , was 14 at the time of the alleged incident .
30 Charles was thirty at the time .
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