Example sentences of "was [vb pp] [adv] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 This rating was given immediately the subject heard the bleep in the centre of the junction .
2 I was given only the pau . ’
3 There is some evidence of the pope 's personal position on several issues — his reluctance to declare the count of Toulouse excommunicate , his care to see that Simon de Montfort was given only the wardship of the count 's lands , and his snubbing of Archbishop Siegfried of Mainz for his inopportune intervention , three times ordering him to sit down .
4 Or if she was torn then the doctor would come er and stitch her up .
5 The widening of the franchise in the nineteenth century , House of Lords reform , and votes for women in the twentieth — these are issues that aroused great emotion and were fiercely opposed but on which reform was accepted once the government of the day had got the measure accepted by Parliament .
6 It was said just the way the woman and Brenner had said it , Das Kampflugzeug , like The Event , and Scholz saw Maxim 's puzzlement .
7 Marital work was accepted by these parents in an effort to solve the problem , and progress was made once the father finally admitted that he had been told at work that he was too domineering and was unable to delegate responsibility to his juniors .
8 Very obviously when this town was designed and laid out and nobody foresaw the growth of the private motor car , er today private motor car is accepted , but in a town which was built perhaps the idea that one in twenty would own a motor car and we 're now faced with the probably one in three have a motor car , we 're now faced with a problem which can only detract from life in the town , also the fact that huge lorries are passing through what were envisaged as quiet residential neighbourhoods with a consequent breaking of curbs and of paving stones where the lorries are compelled to mount the pavings in order to get round parked cars and things of that nature it detracts from the life in Harlow I do , I think a considerable extent , erm , the other factor is that there 's become a lack of pride in the town by the people who live in it , this is seen from the amount of rubbish , and refuse that is dropped from the minor vandalism that goes on the graffiti , er particularly in underpasses where people are walking to the town centre and that , those are the things where the town has lost its way , when we first came here you never saw bits of paper and packages from sweets and cigarettes and things , perhaps maybe because the package industry has developed over the years and that er whereas whenever we had responsibility for taking a small child out , if it had sweets it was encouraged to put the wrappings in its pocket until it got home , now of course it 's encouraged to drop it just where it wants to and er this not only applies to children , some of the worst culprits are the adults who leave the , leave the public houses with a can of beer to drink on the way home and drop it just when they 've finished the last drop of beer or the fish and chip paper 's just dropped .
9 Christian political sources had warned that unless Major Serhal was freed immediately the incident would be a severe blow to Arab-sponsored peace efforts .
10 Fund-raising for renovation of the crumbling ceiling above the stage raised £44,000 but more work was needed so the Theatre Trust handed over £1,500 towards repairs .
11 If however , a student achieves a level different from that which was anticipated then the centre should notify the National Certificate Unit , SCOTVEC , for the attention of the Education Officer ( Validation/Moderation ) and adjustments will be made to individual registrations .
12 I think if the end user was known then the end user is perfectly capable of submitting a planning application .
13 Coleman was buried at St James Church , Hampstead Road , where was laid also the animal and genre painter , George Morland ( 1763–1804 ) .
14 THE tarpaulin sheet that was a homeless teenager 's only shelter was stolen yesterday the day his plight was reported in The Northern Echo .
15 Its certainty was attained once the bill was separated from the charter party and became not only a receipt for the goods but also an independent ( captain or master of the vessel issued ) abstract document of title .
16 Their Rolls Royce image was dented for a while by accusations of unethical behaviour in raiding from clients , but was restored once the business had expanded into other sectors and gained a name as a generalist .
17 and erm , James said you not going out in this surely , yeah , yeah , it 's only a bit of rain and he come home and he was drenched right the way through top to bottom
18 If the line of the Gallery was maintained then the exit to La Scala would have been equally off line .
19 However , that does n't have an effect on our er ability to agree a figure of three three for the city itself , in the structure plan , because the work we 've done on the local plan taking into account commitments and suitable allowances for small sites , does indicate to us that a figure of three three is achievable , but would be extremely difficult to exceed , the difference here between the four thousand and the three three does , however , have an impact on our neighbours clearly , and as was mentioned yesterday the City Council does own some some twenty nine hectares of land outside its current boundary , er located in the Ryedale District Council area , that land , some of that land has planning consent , the remainder is allocated in the draft Southern Ryedale local plan and was excluded from the greenbelt , that land it is the City Council 's intention to use to meet its er requirements for affordable housing , could accommodate some seven hundred dwellings , I think it is very important for me to emphasize that that is a very clear commitment of the City Council , and therefore that land in Ryedale would not er in the majority of its case be available for open market use , we would be seeking to use it to meet er affordable housing requirements .
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