Example sentences of "was [vb pp] [prep] by [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The conflict with -ine meaning a basic group ( especially alkaloid names ) does not seem to have worried the participants , although it was commented on by Armstrong .
2 This duty was referred to by Vinelott J. and is established , with its limitations , by such cases as Cuckmere Brick Co . Ltd. v. Mutual Finance Ltd. [ 1971 ] Ch. 949 and Tse Kwong Lam v. Wong Chit Sen [ 1983 ] 1 W.L.R. 1349 .
3 The hole was referred to by Tace as " Apsley Sough " , though " sough " in these parts meant a drain or channel .
4 It has impressed but it has to have the right tools if it is going to provide the safety that councillor referred to and the saving of life which was referred to by councillor .
5 He believed that this was referred to by Geoffrey of Monmouth in the twelfth century .
6 In developing his argument that the taxpayer was exploiting property assets which were only capable of use abroad Mr. Park sought to draw an analogy between letting a property which was referred to by Lord Bridge in the Hang Seng Bank case [ 1991 ] 1 A.C. 306 , 323 , and licensing of intellectual property rights .
7 This bond was referred to by Pavlov as ‘ unconditional ’ meaning innate and not dependent on previous learning .
8 The radio was referred to by Governor Rimi 's opponents as ‘ Radio Rimi ’ .
9 In Brown v Merton , Sutton and Wandsworth AHA ( Kemp & Kemp , 2 , para 1 – 154 ) a report from the Spinal Injuries Association setting out and costing the various requirements of a quadraplegic plaintiff was relied on by Taylor J in his assessment of damages .
10 Paragraph ( d ) too was relied on by Mr. Lloyd .
11 This statement was subsequently applied in Reg. v. Oliva [ 1965 ] 1 W.L.R. 1028 , 1036–1037 , and was relied on by Mr. Newman in the course of his submissions on behalf of the applicant as applicable by analogy in the present case .
12 Such a report was relied upon by Taylor J in Brown v Merton etc Area Health Authority [ 1982 ] 1 All ER 650 ; and is now an almost invariable feature of serious paraplegic cases .
13 The following passage from the judgment of Atkin L.J. , at p. 887 , was relied upon by Mr. Gardiner as showing that recoverability was not dependent upon any measure of compulsion :
14 That is the portrait of a don , a don in his supreme incarnation , a don going about the business that he was designed for by nature .
15 The Dutch courts applied Roman-Dutch criminal law in the Low Country , though it is unlikely that it was adhered to by headmen or officials trying minor offences .
16 Eaton had no station master but was looked after by Mrs Bason , a station mistress of character who , if there were no waiting passengers , would signal the train through at walking pace .
17 Changing the law to place NationalPower and Power-Gen under a legal obligation to agree fixed contracts for specified tonnages over a longer period than the current year was hinted at by Michael Heseltine , the President of the Board of Trade , in evidence to the energy select committee last year .
18 ‘ The first job I was robbed of by Progress , ’ he told the boys , but added darkly , ‘ and the Yanks . ’
19 This recalls the habitual remark of youngsters admitting to some misdemeanor performed under the influence of another : He made me do it ! , which would be significantly different from He forced me to do it which implies an action one was pushed into by means of force rather than one performed under coercion .
20 Ven was leaving his room at just the same time , and , ‘ Hello , ’ she offered in a friendly , bright way , and was stabbed at by fingers of conscience all the way down in the lift .
21 Perhaps The Forest and the Fire was sought after by collectors all over the world ; the rarest lot in the sale , valued at thousands of pounds ?
22 Tension continued during April following anti-government riots in February , which had left at least 10 people dead , and a mid-March visit by the French Prime Minister , Michel Rocard , who was jeered at by crowds .
23 When the jogger made her court appearance she was jeered at by pickets and denounced as a " whore " .
24 The painting was agreed to by Luce in part to recompense for what she saw as her misjudgment of her dead friend .
25 Despite Britain 's objections , a maximum 48-hour working week in the European Community was agreed upon by EC employment minister
26 The EEC has taken a direct interest in the problem of acid deposition , and in November 1988 a directive was agreed upon by EEC environment ministers concerning the sulphur emissions of large combustion plants .
27 In February the switch — known to insiders as ‘ Big Bertha ’ — was agreed upon by Norman Lamont , the chancellor and by Mr Major .
28 A return to relationship banking , particularly longer-term relationships , in a time of great changes for the banks was called for by Sir Jeremy Morse KCMG , FCIB , in his address .
29 The following case was dealt with by Easingwold magistrates :
30 In Court The following case was dealt with by Easingwold magistrates :
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