Example sentences of "was [vb pp] [verb] by the " in BNC.

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1 A pilot who was taught to fly by the RAF has spent much of the past eighteen months in his garden shed making his own aeroplane .
2 For a while it looked as if founding editor Ken Wilson would buy the title back , but he was unable to find an editor and a valiant last ditch attempt to keep the title going , by Grey Rimmer of On The Edge , was destined to fall by the wayside .
3 Arising from this , I was offered coaching by the College coach ; I think his name was Pearse , and he was one of Dan Maskel 's assistants at Queen 's Club .
4 After this I was told to sit by the fire beside my benefactor .
5 The problem arises where a debtor is required by a creditor to provide security for his indebtedness ; the debtor and creditor agree that the security will be provided by some third party ; the relationship between the debtor and the third party , typically husband and wife , makes it likely that the third party 's assistance will be forthcoming ; the debtor procures the third party 's consent by some material misrepresentation or by exerting undue pressure or influence of some kind ; the third party signs the necessary security documents without any independent advice and without any explanation from the creditor of the true effect of the documents ; the third party subsequently , as a defence to the creditor 's attempt to enforce the security documents , contends that he or she was induced to sign by the debtor 's material misrepresentation , or did not properly understand the import of the documents , or that his or her consent was not a true consent having regard to influence or pressure exerted by the debtor .
6 This was bound to happen by the law of supply and demand , with too many League clubs chasing too few good players .
7 ABOVE LEFT This is a tawny owl that was found injured by the side of the road and brought to my neighbour , Maureen Edwards , for help .
8 He pleads not guilty to murder but opening the prosecution at Liverpool Crown Court , Rodney Klevan QC said : ‘ Paula was found hanging by the neck from a rope .
9 This indicates how the proponents of ‘ law and order ’ have picked up and run with the ball that was set rolling by the Justice Model , with very different effects from those that the Justice Model 's original advocates desired or expected .
10 The precise nature of the negligence must be unknown and no explanation of the way in which the injury was inflicted offered by the defendant .
11 The central government resolution was declared suspended by the governments of Kazakhstan , Moldavia and Azerbaijan .
12 It was not the fault of the British journalist either , as Dubroca was led to believe by the French reaction to his outrage .
13 The former senior deputy director has no intention of falling victim to the conservative-waged ‘ decency ’ attack that claimed her former boss , John Frohnmayer , who was forced to resign by the Bush administration amid fears the NEA would damage the President 's 1992 reelection bid ( see The Art Newspaper No. 17 , April 1992 , p. 1 ) .
14 The Hungarian Foreign Ministry in announcing its unilateral decision on the question of joint citizenship said that it was prompted to act by the Romanian government 's " negative " attitude and the unsettled status of thousands of refugees from Romania in Hungary .
15 When he carne back from what was to be his last visit to the city of his youth his high temperature had worsened and he was advised to rest by the club doctor .
16 In discussing its Strategic Plan for the decade from 1978 , NETRHA set down a number of unachievable objectives , as it was required to do by the DHSS .
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