Example sentences of "was [adv] make [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 I do n't say that this is so , only that the allegation was widely made at the time .
2 When she failed to respond the French cutter opened fire with her bow chaser , hitting the superstructure of Sea Rover which by then was obviously making for the English coast .
3 That AIDS related sclerosing cholangitis is the cause of pain in affected patients is supported by earlier work in HIV-infected patients ( which included 10 of the patients described here ) where a diagnosis of AIDS related sclerosing cholangitis was only made after the exclusion of other causes of pain , but the possibility that pain arises in the pancreas is raised by the discovery of coexistent abnormal pancreatograms .
4 While no progress was apparently made on the issue of ending nuclear testing , both sides reported " solid progress " on the ( bilateral and multilateral ) negotiations to reduce long-range nuclear weapons , phase out chemical weapons and reduce conventional forces in Europe .
5 The diagnosis of primary Sjögren 's syndrome was finally made on the typical symptoms of dry eyes , dry mouth , the abnormal Schirmer test , and a positive labial salivary gland biopsy .
6 Some provision was generally made for the scions of the family — the ‘ portion ’ for the younger sons , the dowry for the daughters — but primogeniture was essential .
7 He tells The Art Newspaper , ‘ Philip Pouncey ( the leading British drawings connoisseur until his death last year ) used to bemoan the fact that during his eleven years at the National Gallery in London , almost no connection was ever made between the two by curators .
8 I hope you will allow me to remain somewhat sceptical about these vague reassurances which remind me of those that were regular given during the 1980s ( prior to publication of the Environment White Paper ) although it was evident that no rigorous assessment was ever made of the environmental effects of development .
9 Illuminated in Tours around 1520 , it contains twelve full-page miniatures of the emperors and was possibly made for the library of Francois I. The manuscript has a distinguished provenance : it belonged at the Jesuit College de Clermont Library in Paris and later to the celebrated English collector Sir Thomas Phillips who considered it among the finest of his 60,000 manuscripts .
10 This landing by Group 2 was deliberately made at the base of some sheer , snow-covered rocks 30 feet high , for no German machine-guns were likely to cover such an apparently impossible landing point , the enemy unaware the commandos had developed their techniques for such rough landings .
11 But money was still made on the stock market .
12 Vyshinsky 's speech was clearly made for the dual purpose of endeavouring to depict the Soviet Union in a more conciliatory light in global terms and to try to gain a voice in the negotiations leading to a treaty .
13 A gesture was similarly made towards the secular opposition , with the appointment as Minister for Transport and Telecommunications of Hashemi Nait Djoudi , who had been secretary-general of the FFS from 1989 until March 1991 , when he was replaced by Ait Ahmed and subsequently ( according to a letter from Ait Ahmed in Le Monde of Feb. 28 ) " suspended from all activity in the name of the party " by the national council of the FFS .
14 Remember that your balloon ripstop was probably made for the parascending sport , and you' ll appreciate why it is so soft and at times stretchy .
15 The expansion recorded by Marius under the following year was probably made with the connivance of Avitus , or in the aftermath of his deposition .
16 Item No 3 : this key was probably made around the 1800s .
17 The Michelin Guide to the Côte de l'Atlantique says that this eerie and impressive cavern , which communicates by a passage through the cliff to the château on the summit , was probably made in the twelfth century to shelter the relics of the Holy Sepulchre at Jerusalem brought back from a Crusade by Pierre II of Castillon , who at that time held the château .
18 The vessel was probably made in the East Celtic area during the second or first century B.C. The representations give some insight into the deities imagined at the time as well as into some of the rituals involved in their worship .
19 An agreement was later made with the administrations of Southern Rhodesia and Nyasaland that Lusaka was to be the centre for broadcasting to Africans in the three territories .
20 Use was also made of the power of the sea by constructing tidal mills along the coast .
21 Considerable criticism was also made of the judge 's summing-up in the case , which some felt failed to clarify the real issues .
22 Mention was also made of the integration of the hospital services during the war , under the Emergency Hospital Scheme .
23 Mention was also made of the importance of reliable economic data , for private capital to become the principal source of external finance and support for the proposed European Bank for Reconstruction and Development .
24 An analysis was also made of the proportion of propulsive waves .
25 Representation on special needs was also made to the Select Committee , by teachers ' associations and others , making the point that early identification of delay difficulties is facilitated when the provisions and structures are in place .
26 Reference was also made to the Woodrow Wilson collection of materials relating to the League of Nations in the Dag Jammerskjold Library .
27 Reference was also made to the decision of the Court of Appeal in Palmer v Southend-on-Sea Borough Council ( [ 1984 ] IRLR 19 ( CA ) ) .
28 A one day visit was also made to the joint British-Soviet Trade Fair in Kiev , an exhibition opened by Princess Anne , and visited by Margaret Thatcher .
29 In this light , a commitment was also made to the creation of a regional fund .
30 Provision was also made for the preservation of the picturesque character and ornamental value of the New Forest .
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