Example sentences of "was [adv] [art] [adj] time " in BNC.

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1 Oh I thought he was dead a long time ago .
2 He was dead the last time I saw him . ’
3 yeah I mean to be honest it 's just a case of one of you , it does go that way , I knew I was right the first time , of one of you just remembering
4 But she was aware that she had been preoccupied a lot of the time , all too aware of the mountain of work before her , and that it was rather a long time since she and her daughter had had any special outings together .
5 I was only a short time standing there , but long enough to take in the vessel 's lines , the quite dainty sheer , her size and the layout of the masts and rigging .
6 And yet it was only a short time since he had been kissing her .
7 This was their sixth successive League victory , and though it was only the first time they have scored three goals in a game this season , everyone at Highbury knows it could have been seven .
8 In fact , when he stunned Jim courier and double Wimbledon champion Stefan Edberg that week it was only the seventh time in over four years that feat had been achieved .
9 ‘ It was only the one time ? ’
10 It was only the second time she had taken part and this race , taking less than ten minutes , had been a particularly fast one , but as she said , it was a family tradition to take part in it and she had really enjoyed it .
11 It was only the second time this season we 've been comprehensively beaten .
12 It was only the second time since they had been married that she had rebuffed him .
13 It was only the second time they had worked together .
14 It was only the second time Meg had seen Arthur really angry .
15 It was only the fourth time that one horse had completed a clear round .
16 This was only the fourth time that this legislation had been invoked .
17 This was only the fourth time on which the UN had imposed sanctions , the previous occasions being sanctions against Rhodesia , South Africa and Iraq .
18 It did not matter that it was only the fourth time they had met ; she knew this moment was exceptional in her life and that , while their physical passion might be impulsive and unplanned , it was inescapable .
19 It was only the third time Huntworth has got round in his last 13 races under Rules , but those three completions have brought three wins .
20 That was only the third time it had happened in New Zealand .
21 Ian Readman , honorary secretary of the Redcar Station , said he believed it was only the third time a crew at the station had received a medal in the 190 years since the Zetland was first launched from Redcar .
22 She was away a long time .
23 The second element was that I had just started working at the London School of Economics in October 1970 , which was exactly the same time as GLF started meeting there and LSE was in one of its periods of turmoil which involved me as someone working on the staff and excited me politically .
24 It was scarcely an ideal time for such an event , except that this revolution has been led by an artist and by students , and the Czechs , unlike the British , treat their writers , playwrights , film-makers and students with high seriousness .
25 It was possibly the first time the BBC had had to take other equipment out of service because someone ( Voigt ) complained of its bad performance , which had shown up on this speaker .
26 End of term was always a tense time , when the inspectors from the African Education Department came out from Salisbury to assess the students ' teaching ability .
27 ‘ The group did lots of creative activities and as well as fun and happiness at the meetings , there was always a quiet time for the word of God to be shared in the group .
28 This was always the difficult time .
29 Of course there had to be detonations , and of course there had to be shooting practice , but Monday morning was hardly the appropriate time .
30 They were in bed , which was a suitable place for erotic thoughts ; but now was hardly the right time .
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