Example sentences of "was [prep] [adj] time [art] " in BNC.

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1 He was for some time a broken man .
2 Even without insisting on the strict claim that inference from fact to value is logically inadmissible , a claim which since Hume has been a commonplace , and after G. E. Moore 's analysis of the Naturalistic Fallacy was for some time an orthodoxy , it has been convenient to stay out of range of standard criticisms by showing that we can get along well enough without resorting to this kind of inference .
3 ‘ Its distinctive feature is the outer wall facing what was for some time the running lines of the railway , though these tracks are now wholly within the works area , the main lines passing on the other side of the canal .
4 It was during that time the lady Primaflora was summoned to the palace at Nicosia to be scrutinised by the King 's mother .
5 As there was at that time no one else to take up the cudgels nationally on their behalf this service was of great value to the deaf and dumb population , and is no doubt one explanation for the BDDA surviving its early difficult years .
6 This hotel was at that time a sort of private dwelling crammed with the owner 's collection of Catalan works of art and pastel portraits of the great singers who appeared at the nearby Opera .
7 CD met him in Boston very soon after arriving there ; Putnam was at that time a student of portrait-painting in the studio of Francis Alexander ( 1800- c .1881 ) .
8 And I was at that time a married man with two children .
9 It was through the OTC that I met my future husband , Eric , who was at that time a permanent staff instructor .
10 The highly organised St Stephen 's Society programme which she now leads was at that time a closed book to her !
11 The argument advanced by the 1747 author of The London Tradesman is a little unfair , for ‘ undertaking ’ was at that time a relatively new trade , barely a century old .
12 Ray was at that time a member of the Morris Side and would be very glad to hear from any of his contemporaries , although his style of dancing is rather different these days .
13 Aden was at that time an RAF command , in which the operational policy of air control had been successfully applied for some years .
14 J. W. ( later Sir James ) Black , who was at that time an academic pharmacologist in Glasgow , had the idea that blocking the action of adrenaline on the heart might reduce its need for oxygen and so be beneficial in angina pectoris ( a condition in which pain arises because the oxygen supply to heart muscle is insufficient ) .
15 However , as the laying-out and preparation of the body was at that time the responsibility of the family , it would appear that the guild limited themselves to three actions : the marshalling of their members to attend , and the selection from that company of those to carry the coffin ( though it would have been a strong guild able to command more than half a dozen of its members during a weekday ) ; to see the coffin safely into the church and to ensure that the burial equipment was in place ; and to attend the full obsequies on the following day , including the funeral feast .
16 It was at that time the highest innings by anyone until A.E.J. Collins hit an unbeaten 628 in a junior house match at Clifton College in 1899 .
17 In what was at that time the " Derby Group " , work had continued on the enhancement of batch payroll systems and the addition of other " cheap " batch systems for specific application — for example , training records , job evaluation , staff search .
18 but anyway , erm , it came as a bit of a shock to me when who was at that time the Horticultural Adviser or Horticultural Organiser as they used to call him , turned up at home at Debenham where we lived at the time and er said he 'd come to collect my typewriter we had no notice of this anyway was erm a jolly old soul and erm he went off with my typewriter and erm shorthand machine and the next day my father brought me into Ipswich and erm , well I saw and did a bit of typing and erm , that 's how it all started .
19 Repton was an Anglo-Saxon town , on the south bank of the River Trent , and was at one time a chief city of the Kingdom of Mercia .
20 Nitro-chalk was at one time a by-product of the gas and other industries , but now that manufacturing methods have changed , it is not so plentiful or cheap .
21 There was at one time a kind of folk-tale relating to this game in Suffolk .
22 The court was at one time a centre of licentiousness and depravity , of corruption and influence peddling .
23 It is noteworthy that Ralph Vaughan Williams was at one time the organist here .
24 A farming community , existing as a hamlet in ancient times , it probably developed its agricultural resources to fit in with Kilham , which was at one time the chief market town in this part of the East Riding .
25 The ancient church of St Mary , with its beautiful east window , was at one time the parish church of Drypool .
26 Park Court , which houses Hilda 's flat , was at one time an outhouse for a local manor , but in 1931 the owner left it to the local council who then converted it into a fire station .
27 Living on chalk is a mixed blessing , on the one hand the cement industry provides work for many local people and with the mechanisation of farming methods this has meant that what was at one time an agriculture community is now largely dependant upon local industries .
28 Now I do n't suppose that even Sir Geoffrey knows this , but Irwin Osnafeld , the payee of that £300,000 cheque , was at one time an associate of his .
29 She was at this time a large , middle-aged woman whose name I shall not mention .
30 Though the latter was at this time a much celebrated amateur artist he was surprised , on arriving , when Minton detached himself from the crowd he was talking with in order to cross the room and greet Cornish by name .
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