Example sentences of "was [not/n't] [prep] a [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 She rarely smiled but this was not through a lack of good nature : her responsibilities had given her a serious expression .
2 But of his courage , though it was not of a kind that Hotspur admired , there could be little doubt ; and of his ability and calculating detachment , none .
3 Such was his reputation that 2,000 people attended his funeral in Russia and one of the first statues in St Paul 's Cathedral in London was not of a sovereign , statesman or saint — but a simple , teetotal , vegetarian traveller who , as the inscription notes :
4 This led some writers to suspect that the Third World , like the First World , was not of a piece , but that there might be substantial differences of kind as well as the obvious differences of degree between countries .
5 Marriage to Leahy had had its ups and downs , of course ; but Joan was not of a nature to play anybody false .
6 The income of Henry Tudor was perhaps three times that of Henry VI in 1433 , but it was not of an order of magnitude greatly different from that of the richer medieval kings .
7 One horse had detached itself and ambled towards the line of protesters but it was not for a moment that Meredith realised , with a pang of dismay , that it was Blazer carrying Harriet .
8 He hoped Barbara could read the sub-text here : that if she was offering him some kind of invitation — and he was not for a moment suggesting that he was worthy of such a thing if she were — then he was regretfully declining it , on the understanding that both of them knew why .
9 She agreed to avoid alcohol , and because the next session was not for a week , to telephone the therapist in 3 days time to inform him of her progress .
10 There had been some war damage but this was not on a scale which lent itself to large-scale redevelopment .
11 I knew it was not on a gramophone ; someone was playing it .
12 After all , his impulsive invitation — made largely , she guessed , so that Faye and Bill could be alone for the evening to talk over the difficult issues of the amniocentesis — was not on a par with his dates with Marise or Paula .
13 The moment I saw the church , although there were considerable differences — the main and obvious one being it was not on a hill — I accepted it as my church .
14 I was not on an errand , if that 's what you mean . ’
15 In this labyrinth the Friar was not at a loss but strode on purposefully .
16 On this measure , in average terms , Britain was not at a disadvantage after 1967 since exchange rate adjustments compensated for higher costs [ National Institute , 1972 ] .
17 Systematic strike breaking in Britain was not at an end .
18 However Derek Hyde 's vision of the tramway was not as a museum line , but as a forward-looking system of transportation in the field of light rail , the virtues of which were again being recognised .
19 The fact that he could get such good results by orthodox bowling also left one wondering why he occasionally indulged in a bouncer war , for it obviously did his reputation no good and was not as a rule very productive .
20 Even at the beginning of 1934 the anti-Semitism of the British Union of Fascists was not as a rule overt .
21 The significance of this epic was not as a record of the past , but rather as a means of ensuring the theologico-political supremacy of Marduk in the present .
22 That man is Alfred Common , who retired to the town in 1919 after a glittering soccer career that was not without a hint of scandal .
23 IT was not without a frisson of excitement that Ridley Scott 's Oscar nomination was greeted in the NorthEast .
24 The prohibitions in the CSA 1985 are rendered ineffective where the defendant can show that , notwithstanding the fact that he fulfilled all the conditions mentioned in ss.1 and 2 CSA 1985 , the dominant purpose of his trade was not with a view to making a profit or avoiding a loss for either himself or another person .
25 She was under a duty to use the money to pay the gas bills ( cf. Hall , where the accused was not under a duty to use that money for that holiday ) .
26 The court held on the facts that the vendor 's agent was not under a duty of confidence ( Trees Ltd v Cripps ( 1983 ) 267 EG 596 ) .
27 In contrast , the secular clerk , the clergyman who was not under a rule or monastic discipline , was often an inveterate wanderer .
28 The Supreme Court held , overturning the lower court , that Chiarella was not under an obligation to disclose his information or abstain from trading .
29 The prototype of this idea was not unlike a tower crane .
30 The way he gained ‘ the word that sustains the weary ’ was not like a bolt from the blue , but through patiently listening to God morning by morning .
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