Example sentences of "was [not/n't] [prep] [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Under his leadership northern Europe became more settled and a period of building activity was begun , though it was not of long duration .
2 Bachelor 's Button was not of Classic calibre but had won many good races , including the Champion Stakes in 1904 and the Hardwicke Stakes and Doncaster Cup in 1905 .
3 They found a significant positive relationship , as predicted , but concluded that it was not of economic significance .
4 His reasons for adopting Indirect Rule were never , in fact , made very explicit , though it appears that scarcity of administrative manpower , usually considered the determining factor , was not of major importance .
5 In one respect the local political structure in Clermont was relatively simple : although Theuderic mounted a raid on the Auvergne , and although Chramn took up residence in the district , for the most part the civitas was not of great interest to the Merovingian kings .
6 On the other hand , it should be noted that even for 20–25 year old temporary workers , by whom it was stated most frequently , this reason was not of great importance — it was put forward by only IS per cent of them .
7 Priene was rebuilt near the mouth of the River Meander about 334 B.C. Because the town was not of great importance under the late Roman rule , few alterations were made to adapt it to Roman needs , so much of the Hellenistic building has survived .
8 Another view expressed was that the stock of money per se was not of prime importance and should not be the prime target of the authorities ; rather the authorities should concentrate on the liquidity of the whole system .
9 Each adult citizen may have one vote but each vote was not of equal value .
10 Moreover , it was understood to be a crime which was entirely foreign to the national character , and in one of its earliest references to the affair The Times ( 7 November 1862 ) registered the compulsive feeling that the new crime was ‘ un-British ’ : ‘ When the outrages first commenced , it was doubted whether the crime was not of foreign importation … but the ruffians who have been arrested arc of pure English breed . ’
11 The structure turned out to be very durable ; most of the colonial constitutions set up by the British in the next three-and-a-half centuries show similarities to the Virginia Company 's way of doing things , though there were sometimes refinements , such as a legislative council created as an upper house to work with the assembly ; and in several cases — especially when the majority of the population was not of British descent — the legislative body was appointed rather than elected .
12 Their chat was not of high finance or property .
13 The cloth which ‘ Laura Ashley ’ bought in 1967 came from India and Pakistan in loomstate and was not of high quality .
14 Moreover , much of the growing industrial labour force was not of urban origin .
15 The first reason is really the other side of the view already considered , namely , that a patient 's express wish may be disregarded on the ground that he was not of sound mind .
16 Was I therefore to assume that homelessness was an issue peculiar only to Apex members within the G M B or was I to reach the alternative , and I might say equally ridiculous conclusion , that despite its majority of women membership , toxic sock , shock syndrome was not of particular interest to Apex members ?
17 The judge dismissed claims that alternative land offered at Woodlands Farm was not of comparable quality .
18 A small number of authorities in both groups emphasized that relevance to post was not of overriding importance :
19 Sir : I refer to the dropping of charges against the man accused of raping a mentally handicapped girl on the grounds she was not of fit mind to answer questions and give evidence ( 4 October ) .
20 Yet , choline output remained below 10 µg/h showing that lipidic material purified from gastric juice was not of biliopancreatic origin .
21 The temperance of justice by mercy was therefore random in incidence when the criminal was not of aristocratic birth ; when he was , political considerations entered into the verdict .
22 In Lee v. York Coach and Marine ( 1977 Q.B. ) , the buyer had been supplied in March with a second hand car which was not of merchantable quality because its brakes were defective .
23 Their Lordships said that if it had been saleable only at a ‘ throw away ’ price , that would indicate that it was not of merchantable quality .
24 About a month later the buyer had the clutch repaired at a cost of £45 and claimed this sum from the seller , alleging that the car was not of merchantable quality and not reasonably fit for the purpose of being driven on the road .
25 Personally , you may have a separate claim against the retail outlet because the computer was not of merchantable quality under the Sale of Goods Act 1979 .
26 At first instance , the judge held that the car was not of merchantable quality .
27 They want to tell the Ambassador they are unhappy about the trial , the fact that the jury found there was no premeditation , and their fear that the court could have been influenced because their daughter was not of French nationality .
28 Admiral Bryson , an expert on guided weapons , was not of conventional lord lieutenant stock .
29 Last year 's entry was not of sufficient quality .
30 This practice was stopped after review indicated that it was not of diagnostic value in our hands .
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