Example sentences of "was [to-vb] [conj] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 A major task of the later software was to arrange that the exposure was chosen automatically according to the current illumination .
2 But , however this may be , the pope proceeded to the practical consequences of the new state of affairs : those who had already received lay investiture , or done homage , or consecrated others who had received lay investiture , were absolved ; for the future , those who received ecclesiastical preferment and did homage to the king could be consecrated , provided that they had not received investiture at the king 's hands ; and this was to continue until the heart of the king was softened by the rain of Anselm 's preaching .
3 Later , Dunlop was to claim that the payment related to another transaction ; he said that by then he was sole owner of the animal and therefore not due to pay Kilpatrick a share of the fees .
4 One device which was tried was to claim that the appeal was only an appeal against one of the king-duke 's officers , not against the king-duke himself .
5 This was a small group of people who appointed their own chairman and secretary , and whose task was to see that the signs LADIES and GENTLEMEN were posted at all the appropriate places in the many buildings used by the conference .
6 Their responsibility was to see that the rosters were properly worked out you see .
7 The Colonel , trained in the proper management of war , diagnosed the General 's crude enthusiasm as excitement and gently tried to calm the old man by explaining that the sensible course was to wait until the artillery reached the town , and only then to mount an attack on the infantry who guarded the barricaded bridge .
8 MAY I take this opportunity to say how relieved I was to find that the August 1992 issue of your splendid magazine was largely free of the indefatigable hostility directed towards rugby league football by its immediate predecessor ?
9 But worse was to come than the criticisms laid against him in 189I .
10 Our aim in this study was to establish whether the rate of unnecessary operations and the rate of complicated appendicitis among patients undergoing surgery for suspected acute appendicitis were related to the time of presentation to hospital and the delay between presentation and surgery .
11 Her only failure was to discover that the facts ran counter to popular prejudice .
12 There were no photographs around , but what a fool she was to imagine that the expression in his eyes meant more than the harsh words he dealt her .
13 Someone told him that the way to make money was to buy when the shares were low and sell when they were high .
14 The effect of the new evidence from the two women was to suggest that the man who assaulted Miss Wilson was arrested an hour earlier , at 11:50pm , and that they were in the police station making their statements at about the time of the murder and the discovery of the body .
15 James Graham 's solution was to suggest that the Duke of Montrose dismiss William Weir , but that was easier said than done , for Weir had been appointed in order to oblige one of Montrose 's friends , and James Graham had not made a solution any easier to obtain by promising his substitute that Woodrop should have the appointment of procurator-fiscal to give as he chose .
16 Berkeley 's seventeenth-century predecessors were as anxious as he was to suggest that the regularity of nature is a manifestation of God 's goodness ; but in making an independent material world the cause of ideas , they give God a less crucial role than Berkeley does .
17 Lévi-Strauss ' critique of Sartre effectively takes the form of a deconstructive analysis : he begins by arguing that the Critique works by a double movement — just as , only four years later , Derrida was to suggest that the anthropologist 's own work functions in exactly the same way .
18 One way the model was altered was to assume that the mantle part of the lithosphere stretches by a greater amount than the crust during extension ( Fig. 4.17(B) ) .
19 The geneticists ' error was to assume that the biographies were ‘ real ’ and were the primary cause and origin of the written literary text .
20 The result of the tests was to illustrate that the failure of the right stabiliser on G-BEBP occurred because of an inherent inability of what was believed to be a fail-safe structure to carry the flight loads subsequent to the fracture of the rear spar top chord ( a primary load bearing structure ) ; this was a feature of the basic design and construction rather than some factor specific to G-BEBP .
21 Another important aspect for me was to recognize that the health sector needed to be allied with the most significant political forces working for the kind of changes that would help ensure healthy public policy .
22 I 'm absolutely delighted that we achieved what we set out to do at the beginning of the week , which was to ensure that the Ryder Cup stayed on this side of the Atlantic .
23 The overriding priority , therefore , was to ensure that the structure of the Party should guarantee its ideological purity .
24 It has been held under the drink/driving law that the object of requiring the officer to be ‘ in uniform ’ was to ensure that the constable would be easily recognised as such by the public .
25 His only right was to ensure that the trust obligations were carried out .
26 Charles the Cheesemonger 's major contribution to the history of his side of the family was to ensure that the name continued ; not in Frome , where Titfords were to disappear completely by the 1860s , but in London .
27 There seemed only one way for the Druids to prevent their imminent destruction , and that was to ensure that the army never came within reach of them ; this could only be achieved either by strong enough resistance in the mountains of north-west Wales or by a serious insurrection deep within the Province .
28 The purpose of this requirement was to ensure that the bill market was adequately funded .
29 The next task the document set for itself was to ensure that the word ‘ Verkehrsberuhigung ’ is explained .
30 On the subject of the second sales team , which will consist of five freelance representatives , Airlift sales director Stuart Binns explained that the aim was to ensure that the company gave a ‘ high profile to all our new titles and publishers ’ .
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