Example sentences of "was [adv] [to-vb] [prep] a " in BNC.

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1 The thrust of German research was eventually to culminate in a position summarised by Rudolf Bultmann of the University of Marburg , one of the most important , most famous and most esteemed of twentieth-century biblical commentators :
2 But his response was merely to press for a greater supply of British goods to those colonies to reduce their sterling balances .
3 This was all to change on a pleasant spring day in 1947 .
4 Two days into the journey then met with torrential rain in northern Italy ; this was only to serve as a sign of things to come ; the icy roads and driving snow that faced them as they climbed the Alps !
5 The illusion was only to precipitate into a historical fact — the proletariat 's birth and growth — history 's total meaning , to believe that history itself organized its own recovery , that the proletariat 's power would be its own suppression , the negation of the negation .
6 Lewis began his Narnia stories for children in 1949 , but he had been publishing fiction for adults since Out of the Silent Planet ( 1938 ) , a mixture of space-fiction and theology that he was soon to extend into a trilogy , ending with That Hideous Strength ( 1945 ) .
7 The old man blinked rapidly , which Wycliffe was soon to recognise as a substitute for nodding .
8 Waugh might have agreed even with the complaint about surface faults , which he was shortly to concede in a new preface and expunge by revision .
9 I 'm not 100% fit yet and my initial aim was just to get through a game , but I 'm not philosophical in that situation .
10 Almost the only significance of Trotskyism in the 1930s was that a tenuous tradition was established which was not to materialize as a significant political influence until the 1960s .
11 Kim Il Sung was not to emerge as a major personality until after 1945 .
12 It was clear that the lines were drawn and that the two countries would have to compromise or find allies if the conference was not to degenerate into a complete fiasco .
13 Amanda said she loved the live show , that Sandra was n't particularly attractive but had a great body and showed what good hair and good clothes could do , and then , in an off-hand comment that she probably regretted almost immediately , declared that if she was ever to sleep with a woman , it would be Sandra .
14 Pollution was directly to blame for a decline in life expectancy from 70.4 years in 1964 to 69.3 years in 1990 , Yablokov claimed , adding that in some particularly polluted areas it had fallen to as low as 44 years .
15 One of Niki 's tactics in that elaborate form of board game called ‘ driver negotiations ’ ( i.e. how does a driver get the best car and the most money ? ) was always to talk to a lot of teams , hinting , not so subtly , that ‘ if the package was right ’ , he could be seduced .
16 The conversation ended the official programme of the Leeds Congress , but there was more to come for a party of about forty participants , including the President and Professor Kerney and his wife , for whom an excursion into Wensleydale by train and horse drawn wagonettes had been organised .
17 The training and equipping of the police in Northern Ireland to respond in quasi-military fashion was later to serve as a model for police on mainland Britain .
18 The priest 's hysteria was later to switch to a mood of calm practicality .
19 To support Wilfrid was also to engage in a protracted dispute which must have been a long-term embarrassment both to the Northumbrian king and the archbishop of Canterbury .
20 Heavy rain stopped everyone after 18 laps , so it was back to go for a second start .
21 In the big race … the womens championships … the favourite Andrea Whitcombe who was out to win for a record equalling third year in a row was beaten in to second place by Lisa York of Leicester … they raced for nearly four miles and at the finish there was just three seconds between them
22 Donald stood just behind him , that place where you ca n't see someone unless you actually turn round , that place where it feels as if someone 's going to sink a pickaxe into the soft part of your skull , Donald stood behind him and took a deep breath , as if he was about to dive under a wave , and said , ‘ Those are my beans . ’
23 One night , I dreamt that I was about to dive from a springboard , but the ‘ board ’ was so ‘ stiff ’ that I could not raise sufficient bounce to make my dive .
24 At our interview at the Royal Overseas League she was about to leave for a pit-stop author 's tour , with an immensely heavy bag containing a laptop computer on which she fires off requests and thank-you letters : to American Secretary of State James Baker for his introduction to President Mobutu , to the King of Spain for agreeing to host a fundraising dinner for a chimp sanctuary in Spain .
25 She sat down and was about to indulge in a fit of angry tears when the phone rang .
26 Charlie was only a yard behind them , and was about to charge through a gap in the barrier when Tommy overtook him .
27 I was soaked and shivering and was about to return in a desultory spirit to my hotel to take whatever food was offered there at whatever price , when I noticed an indoor shopping centre and darted in , shaking myself out like a dog .
28 Meanwhile , a blow that would add still further to Falkenhavn 's disillusion was about to fall from a totally different direction .
29 He told me he was about to go into a ‘ sealed camp ’ somewhere in the south of England , and that the letters he wrote from there would not be released until the invasion had safely begun .
30 Denis screamed as Cohen was about to go into a renewed bout of laughter .
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