Example sentences of "was [adv] [det] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 We escaped just in time and it was downhill all the way to Narvik .
2 This route would necessitate only one climb to the ridge above the village , from where it was downhill all the way to Rainbagh , whence I could complete the journey to Naini Tal by car .
3 From that point on it was downhill all the way , fitting and fielding panels , gluing the assembly , treating with wood preservative , umpteen coats of wax polish .
4 From now on it was downhill all the way , with a marvellous view of Lake Vyrnwy and the possibility of finding goosander , dipper , grey wag tail , sandpiper and kingfisher on its shores and waters to entice us on .
5 It was downhill all the way to the hotel , and as such , was easy walking .
6 From then it was downhill all the way .
7 But that was only half the message .
8 But that was only half the trick .
9 Cost-cutting was only half the story .
10 Nigel was left with just one woman in his life to torment , which was only half the fun .
11 But starting the Reformation was only half the battle : turning its principles into practicable policies and maintaining momentum in the face of opposition from determined vested interests was much more difficult .
12 The French replied that the devastation and terrorism that continued was not all the fault of ‘ dissident ’ nationalist Vietnamese or bandits and although it might not have the status of an ‘ official ’ armed struggle the results were indistinguishable .
13 The Bf110 , he thought , as he flew sedately north towards Denmark , was not half the plane the 109 was .
14 It 's hard hard to say how much that would have helped the situation out there I mean it definitely would have helped in some degree , but I mean there was still all the oil that was present on the platform in the separators except those which were left under pressure all that would have had to burn .
15 It was probably all the worry over his unfeeling attitude , his intention to evict her , that had rekindled the dream in the first place .
16 Her guard was up all the time and she lacked a sense of humour .
17 Erm , I was up half the night typing this stupid report .
18 Their army was about half the size of Dara 's , although highly trained and confident .
19 Er that was really all the advice we could give .
20 it 's not the illusion it promised to be the answer was here all the time .
21 ‘ But I was here all the morning .
22 ‘ I was here all the evening . ’
23 The Gnomes were very interested in this ; as Flaherty said , you could not know too much about these things , although it was a pig 's pity that such a jewel could n't be worn by the King of the day when he went about his reigning , because was n't that the purpose of crowns and jewels anyway ?
24 Was n't that the plan ? ’
25 Was n't that the name of your old guardian , Harry ? ’
26 Was n't that the trial where only about a quarter of the patients were actually randomised ?
27 How lucky she had been to meet Violet , but was n't that the story of her life ?
28 Now was n't that the truth ? she thought , as she watched him striding away .
29 Was n't that the truth ?
30 Was n't that the time when the Bank of England stepped in to avoid the whole City suffering ?
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