Example sentences of "was [adv] [prep] a [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Seeing the young woman hunched up on a crate , covered in chalk dust and weeping her eyes out , Biff Thacker was rather at a loss what to do .
2 ‘ And then — I was rather at a loss , I suppose .
3 In appearance she was rather like a gipsy , and her quick , eager speech had a slightly foreign intonation .
4 He was rather like a 12-inch gun with no gunlayer ; he always turned up to meetings late and disoriented , although he had a middle-aged secretary who used to follow him about with his diary and try to keep him in line .
5 One of the best documented tales of the sighting of a sea monster occurred in 1852 , when a whaling vessel , the Monongahela , netted and took aboard a creature which was rather like a cross between a snake and a crocodile .
6 It was rather like a mid-West movie , as pleasant as that .
7 The scene was rather like a bull-fight , with Betty , small-eyed , blundering hither and yon dazzled by the whisk of scarlet , the glancing slippers of the matador .
8 She thought she was rather like a mother , making sure a child had eaten before going off to school , did not scruple to say , " Are you sure you 've had enough ?
9 It was predominantly of a country , not a ‘ high ’ style , pre-eighteenth century and frequently not French , factors which tended to keep Paris-based buyers away while proving too pricey for local people .
10 Mrs Williams was at the time the most popular women in the world , after Mother Teresa , and it occurred to me , rather too late , that I was on to a loser here .
11 The Old Stager was on to a theme which he had clearly been bottling up all season .
12 It was thanks to them that he learned that the hunt was on for a leak on the Washington embassy wartime staff which could only have been Maclean .
13 I was on two bags a day when I went to see me GP and I was on between a quarter and half a gram when I got to the hospital .
14 I decided to go and see one of the Bond films which was on in a cinema at Leicester Square .
15 France was on in a sense France was on probation in eighteen fifteen to eighteen eighteen .
16 The sentence was somewhere between a question and a statement .
17 In the afternoons there was little to see other than the skateboarders who came to clatter back and forth in the bowl-shaped space under the Festival Hall , making a sound that was somewhere between a roller derby and a kendo match ; but as evening came on , bags and boxes would start to appear in the best-lighted spots under the concrete .
18 It was presumably as a result of this that Palmerston wrote to the Treasury in May 1836 , explaining his views on the new accommodation .
19 Unlike his predecessors , he seems to have got his nobles more or less under control , and had pacified the Highlands ; but , like those predecessors , he found that England was rarely in a mood to be pacified .
20 Evidently he had been expecting Hazel to speak first and was somewhat at a loss .
21 My parents could only afford to give me some small change on Sundays , but it was enough for a cinema ticket and an ice cream .
22 It was enough for a while just to have this clever , charming man as a friend , flattering to have him travel so far when he could just for the pleasure of her company .
23 This was so despite a provision in the Articles of the company defining " the board " as including " any committee authorised by the board to act on its behalf " .
24 From 936/1530 to well beyond the limits of the present study the office was held continuously by Ottoman scholars , a survey of whose careers suggests that if the office was not a mevleviyet from 936/1530 it was so from a matter of a very few years thereafter .
25 She loved him so passionately , and he was so like a god in her eyes .
26 ( According to some opposition-inspired reports he had fled the country and was in hiding , while according to others he was merely on a business trip . )
27 It was all about a woman who goes on holiday to a hotel in Switzerland .
28 I was 13 and it was all about a family living with lions , starring my mother , Tippi Hedren , and stepfather Noel Marshall .
29 It was all for a purpose , of course ; little that I do is not , one way or another .
30 She was all for a bit of ducking and diving , that 's how everyone lived in her estimation , but from what she had gleaned recently about her sons , it was a completely different lifestyle they were after .
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