Example sentences of "was [adv] [prep] [art] day " in BNC.

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1 He was most of the day at Hilderbridge police station .
2 It was a cold winter , and he soon found out that the theatre was centrally heated and the heating in his dressing-room was on throughout the day and night , so he moved in .
3 A row was all in a day 's work for her , and at the end she 'd feel pleased with herself and at peace with the world .
4 She had unflinchingly wrenched the arrow out of his arm as if ‘ t was all in a day 's work , and had argued with him all through the operation and while bandaging his wound later .
5 For Crawford , it was all in a day 's work , and split-second timing was the key .
6 And it was all in the days before credit cards , when hire purchase was king .
7 That 's what I 'm saying , they need , they need just a little , in fact we do here you could argue , er , I feel that all the elements there are of a turning into something a bit ugly , I think , I think they were very quick to drop those statues down , now I know , I know the fellow who in , who set up the K G B could have been the most popular bloke in the Soviet Union , but nonetheless , er he was down within a day , I hear this morning that Yeltsin 's talking about border changes and quite frankly they 're moving too quick and Gorbachev at least was providing a bit of restraint , and I think it , they want to think in terms of decade .
8 It was only in the days of the first widespread alphabetic culture that the idea of ‘ logic ’ appears to have arisen .
9 The revolution-that-might-have-been was over for the day .
10 School was over for the day and Sara had expected Jenny to arrive before this .
11 Although the twins were disappointed that Kerry-Jane was away for the day , on a visit to her grandmother , they happily helped with packing the picnic into the car .
12 But she was away on the day he struck out .
13 But most of the time I did n't write because one day was just like the day before , and sometimes I thought — what 's the use of writing anyway , when nobody is ever going to read it ?
14 It was still in the days when airmen 's tunics were buttoned UP to the neck .
15 One project that was underway on the day of the trophy presentation was the awesome task of repainting Vulcan B.2 XM594 .
16 Just for the first few seconds she was back in the days after Hugh 's desertion .
17 That was back in the days when there were too many manufacturers and too few customers .
18 The teachers could n't ask Frank where his mother might be because his class was out for the day on a Project Course .
19 And er I told them that er I was n't p p p prepared er because they was there during the day as well , it did n't used to across to catch the school bus , and be half a dozen or so come back next door , and stop there till about twenty past three then go back , come back over as if he 's got out the bus .
20 Bill Tear was there for every day of the three week hearing .
21 One who was there on the day and has watched the film many times now suddenly notices that Snow , at The Oval , 1968 , has his foot on the pitch as he fields at silly mid-on while Australia slide to oblivion against Underwood .
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