Example sentences of "was [adv] [verb] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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31 And she was duly guided round the shops and revamped .
32 The poll tax was duly included in the 1987 Conservative election manifesto and after their election victory it became the dominant political issue .
33 This was duly reflected in the jade inventory .
34 Tom Jones and Duff argued for resignation , and Lady Astor helped to sway Dawson to the same line , which was duly reflected in The Times leader of Monday morning .
35 The interview was duly shown at the end of the third broadcast of the obituary programme and was very well received .
36 It transferred its cargo to an Irish tug , the Marita Ann , which was duly seized by the Irish Navy .
37 So for the potential crime of the bad men , all of whom seemed perfectly pleasant , sentence was passed on Melinda , who was duly imprisoned in the hold .
38 This recommendation was duly embodied in the 1959 statute , which provided that " an article shall be deemed to be obscene if its effect or ( where the article comprises two or more distinct items ) the effect of any one of its items is , if taken as a whole , such as to tend to deprave and corrupt …
39 I was duly bandaged by the first aid folk , and then placed in position .
40 Michael Roberts was duly entrusted with the steering in the Newmarket Classic , but his mount was never going well and trailed in eighth .
41 Michael Roberts was duly entrusted with the steering in the Newmarket Classic , but his mount was never going well and came eighth .
42 The flood of 18 January was duly anticipated by the excellent flood warning scheme only recently installed , but not its maximum flow or the fact that breaches would occur in certain flood banks .
43 As such it was duly added to the membership roll of the contraption known as the United Nations , which asserts that all nations are equal ( albeit some more so than others ) , with one vote each , just as if they were individual human beings in a right-little tight-little democratic State .
44 The driver concerned was duly issued with a Form 1 , which he refused .
45 But his daughter did n't reply , her eyes continued to overflow , the ticking carried on overhead , and Colonel Fergusson was duly buried before the year 's end .
46 Ministers agreed , and a Bill was duly introduced in the House of Lords .
47 As he spoke , he looked at Ludovico , who was furiously plucking at the strings of his racket and gazing at the ground .
48 The article was vigorously publicised by the Coal Board 's public relations section .
49 In urban , ‘ modern ’ Wales , on the other hand , the social class cleavage among the mining and industrial communities was vigorously exploited by the Labour party , which retains its predominance there today .
50 The bid was vigorously resisted by the Yorkshire North District led by its energetic Secretary , G. H. Thompson , and a compromise solution was reached whereby both the District and the University College offered Chapter III courses under the aegis of a co-ordinating committee to avoid overt competition and unnecessary duplication .
51 Luxemburg was vigorously criticised by a number of leading Marxists at that time , such as Otto Bauer and Karl Kautsky , and while she was in prison during the First World War she wrote a reply to her critics .
52 The only certainty , however , was prophetically forecast by the 1989 book A Chemistry for Success , which charted the rise and rise of MTM .
53 He burnt both retinas in his eyes , but was thankfully treated by a doctor in time , and has since completely recovered .
54 But by 1954 it was confidentially estimated by the Narok administration that at least 85 per cent of the Masai living on the Mau , Melili and the plains had taken the Mau Mau oath .
55 Earlier this month he was rapturously received by the American Congress ; he was also briefly entertained by President Bush at the White House .
56 On July 15 Cuomo gave an electrifying nomination address which was rapturously received by the assembled delegates .
57 An even lower pH value of below 2.0 was unofficially recorded during a rainstorm in Wheeling , West Virginia , in 1978 .
58 Mr Havel 's house was continously monitored from a nearby tower of the Manes gallery in central Prague , and cameras were installed by the secret police in other streets where dissidents lived .
59 Gould was verbally abused at The Hawthorns before his departure and at one protest supporters paraded with a coffin on their shoulders .
60 When in California , I was told that the site of San Quentin prison was determined by the fact that a leased prison hulk was inadequately tethered on the north-east side of San Francisco Bay .
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