Example sentences of "was [adv] see [prep] an " in BNC.

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1 In fact , the action was widely seen as an attempt by George Bush 's close pal , President Turgut Ozal , to prove himself more militantly anti-Kurd than his chief rival , Suleyman Demirel , in the run-up to the October 20th general election .
2 The move followed the failure of " Operation Footloose " , an Army offensive launched in January 1990 , and was widely seen as an acceptance by the government that the escalating conflict could not be resolved by military means .
3 Subsequently , Matiba 's wife and daughter were attacked on June 14 at their home in what was widely seen as an attempt to intimidate
4 The reshuffle was widely seen as an attempt to deflect allegations of corruption .
5 In what was widely seen as an attempt to give its efforts to improve relations with other countries greater domestic and international credibility , the Albanian government hosted a visit to Tirana by the Secretary-General of the United Nations , Javier Pérez de Cuéllar , on May 11-13 , when held talks with Alia and other senior officials and also visited other parts of the country .
6 The decision was widely seen as an attempt to support the Sri Lankan government in its war against Tamil guerrillas , and was announced as Foreign Minister Shukla completed a three-day visit to Sri Lanka .
7 In what was widely seen as an attempt to draw Israel into the conflict , Iraq had launched a number of missile attacks on Tel Aviv and Haifa [ see pp. 37936-37 ; 37984 ] .
8 The meeting was widely seen as an opportunity for both sides to stress the importance of the US-Japanese partnership , which had been under strain following the Gulf war .
9 In what was widely seen as an attempt to exact vengeance on Clinton , Nichols had issued a federal lawsuit which claimed that the Governor had had extra-marital affairs with at least five women , and that he had misused official funds in entertaining them .
10 The leadership change was widely seen as an attempt to rejuvenate the party , whose fortunes had been at their lowest since it first came to power in 1981 .
11 The Sejm had passed a resolution on May 28 calling for the exposure by June 20 of former security service agents in positions of authority , but its early implementation was widely seen as an attempt by the government to retain power .
12 His announcement was widely seen as an attempt to boost his flagging popularity , to demonstrate French commitment to European integration in the wake of the Danish referendum setback for the Maastricht Treaty , and to expose divisions over Europe within the opposition Gaullist Rassemblement pour la République ( RPR ) and the centrist Union pour la démocratie française ( UDF ) .
13 Public outcry over what was widely seen as an attempt to intervene in the judicial process , however , caused the party to withdraw this threat almost immediately .
14 Kaunda had already made known his strong preference for retaining the one-party system ; his action was thus seen as an attempt to appease critics of his regime , particularly among the trade union and business communities .
15 Mosley 's opposition to this national change of mood meant that for the small minority who still wished to maintain the peace of Europe at any price , he was momentarily seen as an alternative leader who would keep Britain out of a war .
16 Although wishing to increase membership , Council was anxious that direct entry was not seen as an easy option and instructed the M&R Committee to apply rigorously the requirement that the candidates demonstrate at least five years ' experience at senior level in credit management and to raise to 30 years the minimum age .
17 In the recession of the early 1980s this service suffered immensely through poor sales and ultra high terminations — in those days it was said that washroom would be the hardest hit in any recession because it was not seen as an essential service ; much confidence was , then lost in the service .
18 It was a contentious issue and was generally seen as an attempt by the party 's left wing to try to remove some Labour members of whom they disapproved .
19 At ‘ Pope John Paul ’ , for instance , the opportunity to choose between different types of external moderation was clearly seen as an advantage :
20 Landlessness was also seen as an element of poverty and encouraged large families so that children could earn and remit wages .
21 The Public Utilities Holding Companies Act was also seen as an attack on big business ; this gave powers to the Securities Exchange Commission to dissolve the giant holding companies that between them controlled over 90% of the nation 's electric power output .
22 The new government 's attitude to foreign investment was also seen as an important indicator of future economic policy .
23 The move was also seen as an attempt by the government to gain control over the National Bank , which under the new law would enjoy considerable nominal independence .
24 The recovery programme was also seen as an attempt by Keating to heal divisions in the ruling Australian Labor Party ( ALP ) after his 1991 leadership battle with former Prime Minister Bob Hawke [ for Keating 's replacement of Hawke see p. 38675 ] .
25 It was also seen as an attempt to undermine the UN 's plans for a referendum in Western Sahara [ see p. 38982 ] .
26 The decision was also seen as an attempt to head off the European Community 's plans for a carbon tax , which would increase the cost of fossil fuels at source .
27 For Eden — and certain other key figures such as Macmillan ( now chancellor of the exchequer ) — this Egyptian coup was immediately seen as an opportunity to humiliate or better still to bring down Nasser .
28 Training , for the younger members of the family through ATB courses , was sometimes seen as an ‘ easy option ’ by the father who felt that instruction of the son came better from a professional than from himself .
29 But the total collapse or disappearance of one was never seen as an appropriate goal of foreign policy .
30 Whilst there is no denying that cartography in its more advanced forms was never seen as an integral part of geography , it is nevertheless true that as cartography adopted more advanced technology it became more remote from geography , possibly as a result of the relatively lower interest in technology among most geographers .
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