Example sentences of "was [prep] the [det] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The original deal was for the same time and same sum , but the difference now is that the new contract covers rugby only for the age bracket between 16 and 18 .
2 Perhaps it was for the same reason that Mrs Parvis , so Gloria claimed , put crushed up egg-shells into powdered egg so that the lodgers would think they were eating something which they were n't .
3 Interestingly , his poor showing was for the same reason as that of much of the European contingent .
4 It was during the latter part of the 19th century that Tewkesbury 's commercial decline began for , at the time of building of Healing 's substantial mills , many of the smaller cottage-based trades disappeared .
5 I believe that , as we come out of the recession , we shall find that British industry is much stronger than it was during the same period at the beginning of the 1980s , and that it will prosper mightily during the remainder of the 1990s .
6 There were so many children that each one of the mothers and nursemaids thought that he must belong to somebody else , but as he was about the same size as the children and not much different to look at , he was able to make friends with some of them .
7 The shuttle was n't much like a London bus in shape , but it was about the same size .
8 A recent Brooks auction had the asking price for an immaculate Ferrari 400GT at just £16,000 , an as-new E-Type Jaguar roadster was about the same price , and a fixed-head E-Type in showroom condition was less than £10,000 .
9 Now the editors have picked out some plums to make up a poets ' special - from Eliot and Auden , through Allen Ginsberg ( 'I think it was about the same time that I was having these Blake visions ' ) to John Ashbery and the delightful Elizabeth Bishop .
10 Luckily , that was about the same time that my mother and father bought me a radio , and all my other interests just disappeared once I had that …
11 He was about the same height as his wife but he looked stooped now , and he was wearing a dressing-gown ; normally he was the epitome of tweedy country-squiredom , an archetypal laird in three-piece suit , clumpy shoes , checked shirt and cap ; he resorted to a beaten-up , much reproofed Barbour when the weather turned particularly foul .
12 ‘ I felt I could do that with you , but it was more difficult with her — partly because she was about the same age as me probably . ’
13 She was about the same age as his own daughter but she looked as if she had the troubles of the world on her .
14 He was only about four when he died and I think it was totally unexpected , because I believe that the doctor who had tended him had remarked previously that he wished his own son , who was about the same age as Thomas Isaac , had been as robust .
15 The hijacker was about the same age as him , but not so big .
16 Charles was about the same age as Richie and had something of the same military bearing .
17 So she watched television and erm Princess Diana erm said something shocking at lunchtime at a luncheon party or lunch party and erm maybe just erm ten days before that Princess Diana 's announcement we were told by the Register Teacher that we will have an assignment of in February and we will compare some newspapers articles and maybe she did n't explain very erm specifically but she just gave us erm the brief information about er register assignment in February and she told us that we should er we should collect some newspapers about the same title was about the same topic and ho we should compare how each newspaper treated , treats the er news or what do you call that ?
18 Then when the Globe was after the same guy , I got to figuring . ’
19 In the classical trade cycle , which is agreed to have been normally of between nine and twelve years , the time proportional factor was of the same order .
20 Apart from the deliberate references to Theodoric and Charlemagne , which are intended to show that Frederick Barbarossa was of the same mould as these great heroes , the description of the Kaiserslauten palace is especially interesting .
21 Some backward tribes inhabited the remoter mountains and jungles but the main population was of the same race ; today they are known as Vietnamese but then the outside world knew them as Annamites or Annamese .
22 It seemed inconceivable that he was of the same race as the two vibrancers sitting near him ; inconceivable , too , that they shared his art .
23 He wrote a preface to David Jones 's In Parenthesis in which he noted the fact that Jones was of the same generation as Pound and himself ; he also wrote a preface to Lewis 's One-Way Song and described him as one of those who had been falsely labelled by " the Messenmensch " as a fascist but nevertheless chose " to walk alone " .
24 Not all of these rays will have left the object when it was of the same size .
25 The variety of RNA produced , repeatedly , in these experiments was of the same size and structure as the molecules that Spiegelman had produced .
26 This observed acidification was greatest in the lakes at high elevation and was of the same magnitude as the current precipitation acidity in the region , that is pH 4.2 ( or 63 u eq/l ) , although mountain-top locations are frequently enveloped in cloud and mist characterized by very low pH values ( e.g. pH 3.6 or 250 u eq/l ) .
27 The greatcoat was of the same colour as the tunic , with gold-piped collar , red-faced lapels , and five pairs of gold buttons .
28 In the context of medical decisions , it would be perverse for it to act otherwise than in accordance with the advice of its medical staff when that advice was unanimous as it was in this case , the two other paediatric consultants on its staff wholly agreeing with Dr. I. The Official Solicitor , as J. 's guardian ad litem , was of the same view on the strength of the independent advice of Dr. N.
29 At the time I was of the same colouring ( there 's a portrait of me hanging at Burpham ) .
30 Lord Kenyon was of the same opinion .
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