Example sentences of "was [prep] the [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Initially it was for the sheer hell of it , ’ she said .
2 His secret ambition was for the Argentine ban to be lifted so he could get to England and avenge Pedro 's death by taking out the English and especially one poker-faced Guards Officer .
3 Yes , fish it was for the mental energy to face our new situation .
4 In conference with Gerald Gardiner , subsequently Lord Chancellor , who had somewhat late in the day raised his flag as a member of the Labour Party , it was decided that the best course of action was for the Labour Party to be asked to be represented by Gardiner at the Vassall Tribunal and to inform Radcliffe that it had no additional witness to come to him .
5 Charles Hernu , bombarded the conference delegates with sweet talk on how useful defence research was for the civil sector and how good they were to researchers .
6 Generally speaking , the longer the period of planning for an escape the more satisfactory it was for the prospective escaper .
7 Fifth , the problem of fonts and output matching will become as big a problem for the desktop publishing market as it ever was for the traditional sector and potentially more confusing for the user than ever before .
8 Secondly , the cry of forgiveness was for the covert bondage of unwitting sins , the habits of sinfulness that bound a lost humanity .
9 The applause was for the joint effort .
10 But now , after his near miss with Hoomey , Nails remembered that he was for the long drop next time — no more cautions .
11 Without going into matters which might be the subject of the inquiry , can the Secretary of State confirm , first , that there have been recurrent problems with the signalling at either end of the line , as a result of the damp ; and , secondly , the system in case of an emergency and a red light was for the relevant engine drivers physically to get out of the cab and use a telephone near the tunnel ?
12 Of this DM91,900 million was for the eastern Länder ( states ) , an increase of 6.9 per cent over 1992 ( as at July 6 , 1992 , US$1.00=DM1.513 ) .
13 Their quest was for the perfect formula . '
14 In 1981 , however , sports car drivers had a World Championship for the first time , when the championship was again renamed the World Endurance Championship and from 1982 the championship was for the new Group C cars .
15 It is vital never to grant them absolute rights over nomenclature , or you will end up with a child called Aspirin Muesli Harris as poor Tom was for the first week of his life , until it was overruled as being pagan by the Irish Catholic nurse .
16 But to be made a deacon was for the first time to profess before a multitude that the soul undertook the cause of God in a special ministry , and for the first time to feel sent to an apostolic work .
17 In 1989 the global nature of the drift-net plague was for the first time widely recognised .
18 Lawrence Stone has put forward a highly influential argument that the eighteenth century saw the rise of the companionate marriage , and that affection between husband and wife was for the first time widely judged as important as economic considerations in marriage This argument has been widely challenged in relation to all classes by historians examining various kinds of evidence from the seventeenth century and earlier The belief that affection as an ideal of marriage was basically invented by the middle and upper classes in the eighteenth century has , however , led some critics into simplistic views .
19 The month began when the new lunar crescent was for the first time visible again after sunset .
20 During the Thirties when the streamlined fleet was introduced , the driver was for the first time provided with his own driving cab , complete with folding seat .
21 It is a typical British beef type and perhaps for that reason its numbers at home are now dangerously low : fewer than 450 breeding cows were registered in 1987 when it was for the first time classified as a rare breed , though in the nineteenth century it had been the mainstay of the Scottish beef industry .
22 But when , after those two years , the valley had almost imperceptibly widened and there was for the first time , not those black enclosing cliffs , but the vista of a normal life , even of happiness , a landscape over which it was possible to believe the sun might shine , she had become unwittingly embroiled in the racial politics of her school .
23 Then she lay back on her pillow and they looked at each other as if it was for the first time .
24 That weekend had been more strained than usual because Frances Shand Kydd — Earl Spencer 's former wife , and mother of his four children — was for the first time under the same roof as Raine .
25 In 1888 it was for the first time possible to go by train the whole way from Constantinople to Calais , and the Trans-Siberian railway was completed in 1904 .
26 Although Japan was for the first time in a dominant position vis-à-vis China , the problem of disputed influence in Korea remained .
27 This poor soul , pallid and puffy on his bed after desperate vomiting , sick and quiet and unregarded ever since , spent and ulcered mind and spirit by what he had so mistakenly undertaken , Jerome was for the first time wholly pitiful .
28 By 1988 Britain was for the first time selling more to the EEC than to the rest of the world ( £47 billion out of £93.5 billion at 1991 prices ) .
29 The first two rounds of voting — in north Lebanon and the Bekaa on Aug. 23 , and in Beirut and Mount Lebanon on Aug. 30 — produced some wins for Hezbollah , an Islamic group aligned with Syrian policy-making which was for the first time participating in elections as a parliamentary party .
30 But at the conference it was for the first time agreed to allow the constituency parties to elect their own separate representatives to the National Executive , and this at once led to the appearance in this category of Sir Stafford Cripps , Professor Harold Laski and D. N. Pritt — all advocates of close collaboration with the Communist Party , and Pritt indistinguishable from an actual card-carrying member .
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