Example sentences of "was [adj] to make [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 He was due to make a court appearance today as his lawyers fight extradition to Jersey .
2 Yeltsin , who was due to make a state visit to South Korea on Sept. 16-17 , stated that all ideological ties between Russia and North Korea had been severed .
3 It was undesirable to make an order which would in practice be executed before the defendant could avail himself of that opportunity .
4 I do n't think it was right to make a joke about that .
5 We concluded , after long and careful thought , that it was right to make the change that we announced earlier this week .
6 He was right to make the recommendation on the material before him .
7 And I think I was right to make the equation between ‘ look like ’ and ‘ be ’ because a woman is what she looks like .
8 A priest from County Galway , in a letter to the Irish Times , informed that Dr Enda McDonagh , a noted Roman catholic moral theologian , had told priests of the Tuam archdiocese in January that it was possible to make a distinction between the church 's teaching on the ideal of marriage and divorce as a civil right .
9 In case anything went wrong , I was prepared to make a dash for Armstrong .
10 it was not relevant that the insurer was prepared to make a payment in the event that they did provide insurance cover .
11 This time the Attorney General replied that the figures for the period before 1982 were ‘ not fully available or reasonably accessible ’ , which can mean only that no one in his office was prepared to make the count .
12 During his absence all government business , even the most trivial , came to a stop , since no minister was willing to make a decision while Lij Yasu was away .
13 When James succeeded his brother Charles as king in 1685 he showed that he was willing to make the power of the Crown more effective in North America by pressing on with the creation of the Dominion of New England , but he had neither the surplus revenue nor the obedient bureaucracy needed to run a system like that applied by continental monarchs .
14 David O'Leary had another reason for the lack of flair : ‘ Once it went to extra time everyone was afraid to make a mistake .
15 Fortunately , it was easy to make a decision as Wayne Shelford was already at the club and he gave me an insight into what it was all about and what to expect . ’
16 In times gone by , there were always lots of hedge trimmings available at the beginning of November , and it was easy to make a bonfire — with a big family you want a big bonfire .
17 The problem with mercury was that the curative dose was much too close to the lethal dose , and it was easy to make the patient worse as a result of treatment .
18 The questions which arise in this appeal are whether Miss T. was fit to make a decision not to have a blood transfusion and whether she made a genuine decision of her own volition or whether her decision is to be impugned by the undue influence of her mother .
19 His marriage ended , he was distracted by love , and for a while at the time of the oil crisis it was hard to make a sale , but towards the end of the Seventies and into the Eighties , things picked up .
20 He 'd fit the electrodes to my fingers , a band around my chest and a blood-pressure gauge to my left arm and then we 'd go at it , heat full up , windows closed , sweating like pigs because that was supposed to make the polygraph more accurate .
21 It is also quite common for a therapist to provide information in order to correct misinformed beliefs ( e.g. a patient was allowing an early , unwanted pregnancy to proceed because she thought that abortion was likely to make a woman sterile ) .
22 It was in the Fifties , however , that Gerard P. Kuiper said turbulence in various parts of the cloud was likely to make the cloud sufficiently dense to flatten it out into a disc-shaped mass , with a large mass at the centre orbited by smaller ones .
23 They were new colonies which were produced by the existing colonies , even if in no friendly spirit , and the possibility that colonies could produce new colonies was likely to make the task of the government in London even harder if it ever tried to impose a unified colonial policy .
24 Hitherto , her parents ' requests for withdrawal of her life-support measures had been denied by the courts on the grounds that the patient 's own wishes in the matter were unclear , and that nobody else was competent to make the decision on her behalf .
25 The Supreme Court held that the President was competent to make the agreement on the narrow ground that there had been implied Congressional acquiescence .
26 A quick glance between Rose and the girls was enough for them to know that it was better to make no mention of their elder brother .
27 But , real though his dread was to him , he was unwilling to make a fool of himself quite yet .
28 For days afterwards , he was unable to make a telephone call without imagining he was being laughed at on the other end of the line .
29 With a shoe clutched in each hand he was unable to make a grab for the rougher stones that might have saved him from disaster .
30 He had been awarded the Hanseatic-Goethe prize but was unable to make the trip to Germany in order to receive it , and even now was attempting to prepare an address for the following year .
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