Example sentences of "was [adj] to make [adj] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 They were confident that it was possible to make general statements about improvements across a year group , despite individual differences .
2 Although electrical excitability in the nervous system had been demonstrated before the beginning of the nineteenth century , it was not until the late nineteenth century that it was shown that the brain was spontaneously electrically active Jeannerod 1985 ) , and it was only in the 1930s , after the invention of the valve amplifier , that it was possible to make meaningful records of this activity .
3 He was entering a study with local authorities on the cost of implementing the measures and was prepared to make appropriate increases in the rate support grant .
4 They are the first indication that Gloucester was willing to make significant changes in the power structure inherited from Edward IV .
5 They are the first indication that Gloucester was willing to make significant changes in the power structure inherited from Edward IV .
6 Unfortunately , it was impossible to make such measurements on individual theses in the present study , because of the small numbers of citations involved .
7 But as all opposition and criticism were suppressed , it was hard to make real judgements as to how popular these measures made the Shah regime outside the new , growing middle class which benefited most .
8 Taskopruzade 's statement about the three posts is ambiguous in this respect , although his assertion that Molla Fenari was unable to make fair copies of a number of his works because of his duties as kadi , muderris and Mufti might be taken to imply that he held the posts simultaneously .
9 During the meeting I was able to make new contacts with UK and EC institutions , but I concluded that of the major EC formal programmes , PHARE and TACIS are not relevant to us , but that the next call from PECO might have something marginal in it .
10 In Holden & Co. v. Crown Prosecution Service ( No. 2 ) [ 1992 ] 1 W.L.R. 407 , the Court of Appeal ( Civil Division ) was able to make such orders under the provisions of section 51 of the Supreme Court Act 1981 .
11 After the publication of Heywood Sumner 's New Forest Wares , in 1927 , May was able to make ample amends in a short paper of 1930 ( May , 1930b ) .
12 One of those assessing whether or not Dr Carrington was able to make rational judgments and to take critical decisions was his psychiatrist Anthony Moore .
13 Despite the problems of both Scottish raids and internal disorder , the coal industry of Northumberland and Durham was able to make substantial developments , with Newcastle as the centre of exports ( Ch.7 ; 82 , pp.164–5 ) .
14 Two of his nephews commanded armies in France and his wealth was so vast that he was able to make substantial loans to the Exchequer at a high rate of interest , which was not very popular .
15 In the summer of 1943 , the commander passed on his desk work at COHQ to Surgeon-Commander Murray Levick RN , an authority on endurance who was able to make major improvements in the COPPists ' diet with more meat , fresh fruit , and other foods not readily available in the ration allowances for most units .
16 In the late 1880s , he was able to make major improvements to this pen , and was to be found assembling them every evening in his hotel room .
17 From there , she was able to make regular visits to Vietnam — and so give us essential reports on where our help was needed most .
18 WACC was able to make these activists familiar with the Latin American concept of ‘ comunicación popular ’ , which is essentially communication of , by and for the people to initiate socio-political change .
19 Admission to a psychiatric unit was not thought necessary because she was able to make realistic plans concerning how she would cope during the next few days , and support was available from her children .
20 White responded to speculation raised by Informix chief financial officer Harold Graham last month , saying that the company was unlikely to make any acquisitions , big or small , by the end of the year .
21 Data on staff teaching on units in 1975 , 1980 and 1985 was insufficient to make any generalisations about increases or decreases in numbers of staff .
22 It was essential to make suitable arrangements about financing , especially in view of the vast distances involved .
23 Given the varying levels of computer expertise in Colleges at that time , and the current status of the proposed new systems , it was difficult to make specific proposals about how the associated responsibilities should be handled at College level .
24 He was inclined to make vicious remarks about Henrietta and Norman , some of which Norman got to hear .
25 On a less theoretical level , it is also true that his expressions of anti-semitism occur in the Twenties or just before , when he was inclined to make misogynistic remarks also ; it was a period when his own personality threatened to break apart , and it seems likely that his distrust of Jews and women was the sign of an uneasy and vulnerable temperament in which aggression and insecurity were compounded .
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