Example sentences of "was [adj] on [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The fraud was uncovered when William Wilby received a letter saying he was overdrawn on an account he knew nothing about .
2 The sun was low on the horizon now and the birds were still flying in from ‘ pre-roost assembly points ’ .
3 The red ball of the late afternoon sun was low on the horizon .
4 With the first stirrings of Jagger 's plans to out-Woodstock Woodstock at California 's Altamont race track , the London magazine office was low on the singer 's list of priorities .
5 The sexual act , it seemed , was low on the list of priorities and was on offer at bargain prices ; then , as you toured the body 's locations , the cost increased .
6 He was marooned on a world full of strangeness , where nothing was predictable , and now he was sick .
7 These estates would have been run by appropriate staffs of officials , including comites of the palace , various agents , refendaries , notaries and so forth , although , once again , it is doubtful whether there was a genuinely regular pattern to the duties of this band of administrators ; much clearly depended on who was attendant on the king at any one time .
8 While at the hostel they could get a free pass to visit any cinema or theatre so a decent life was possible on the half pay rehearsal salary .
9 The particular countries were selected because an adequate explanation of monetary growth was possible on the basis of a simple and common process .
10 A higher proportion of female labour , almost 80% of a total of 140 , was possible on the machining than on the forging , and a high percentage of the female staff were part-time workers .
11 Beginning with ‘ La Turquie ’ in L'Europe galante , in which he set out to portray ‘ as far as was possible on the stage … the passionate nature of Sultanas ’ , he associated E major with the emotion of jealousy on four of the six occasions he employed it .
12 Early release was possible on the recommendation of an Advisory Board , made up of representatives from various agencies , but in 1987 , while 458 were released on expiry of their sentence , none at all appeared to have been granted early release on licence .
13 She was asleep on a chair in the living room and I decided the most effective way to wake her would be to sing .
14 Men were lying on the dirty floor , a sailor was asleep on a table and two women were drinking at the bar .
15 Mariana was asleep on the sofa .
16 And we sat there and talked until 12 o'clock at night , and his driver was asleep on the sofa in the hall outside .
17 Anna slept so well that night that she did not notice the arrival of Griselda who , when she woke , was asleep on the pillow next to her face , but out of touching distance .
18 My wife was upstairs changing Heather , and Penny was asleep on the landing , when the phone rang downstairs .
19 A black and white rough-haired terrier was asleep on the hearth rug .
20 Was that on the go when you were growing up o did it start
21 ‘ Who was that on the phone ? ’
22 Obliged to ask parliament for funds for these expeditions and for his other expenses , the King found that , instead of voting him the customs duties for life , as was normal on the monarch s accession , it attempted to impeach Buckingham for corruption and incompetence .
23 I think what he meant was that it was easier on the man .
24 Just four hours later he was free on the direction of the trial judge .
25 In the 69th minute Duffield stroked the ball home from 12 yards and then in the 71st minute the ball fell to Brett who was free on the right and he drove across goal into the far corner .
26 89 MINUTES : Saints ' last-gasp winner came when Dowie was free on the left .
27 She sounded pleased and her step was quicker on the stair .
28 Beethoven 's Seventh Symphony , for example , was exciting on the surface but lacked depth .
29 It was wet on the ground , + I slipped , but unfortunately the same bench that I mentioned previously happened to be in my way again .
30 It made Patrick cringe of course , but the inevitable comparison with his brother was high on the agenda when , clutching his share of the £45,000 winners ' cheque and £15,000 for finishing eighth in the Nabisco points table , he walked into the interview room .
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