Example sentences of "was [adj] [adv] for a " in BNC.

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1 She could then either wait for the ferry , which was sporadic , or go back up to the head of the estuary and up to where the river was narrow enough for a bridge .
2 The period is 27 years , and the eclipse lasts for a long time ; the last began on 22 July 1982 and did not end until 25 June 1984 , though it was total only for a year ( January 1983 to January 1984 ) .
3 It was light enough for a woman to use ; the scythe was a different matter .
4 The greatest pity was that the top was clear enough for a view and as we were perched at the broad gable end of the mountain we could see some fabulous sights .
5 I never had the opportunity to tell Christie of my method of making up crews , At Kinloss when I was chair-bound there for a short period , all too frequently I received complaints about the composition of crews .
6 Mitch was thoughtful too for a moment and then he asked , ‘ Why did n't you tell him you spoke Spanish ? ’
7 Still , Mel was good enough for a first team place in our first year back and did OK .
8 High Lane 's 159 all out was good enough for a draw against Woodford who reached 136 -8 .
9 I to the school after I was fourteen just for a wee while .
10 A worker-directed study conducted in the mid-1970s considered as temporary workers all who had a job which was available only for a limited time and all who were themselves available for their jobs for only a limited period of time .
11 The devastation in the city 's Lake Zone , about 400 kilometres from the epicentre , was surprising even for a quake of 8.1 magnitude .
12 The symbolism was potent enough for a hundred generations to keep the chalk clear
13 Anita Brookner 's novels are London-based , and they revive in their concise and elegant style , in fictions at once grim and yet subtly self-mocking , the Brontëan theme of lonely , loving heroines more sensitive than beautiful — ‘ she was attractive enough for a clever woman , but it was principally as a clever woman that she was attractive ’ — and , as in the Brontës , without the solace of a happy ending .
14 He did , and there was quiet again for a few days more .
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