Example sentences of "was [verb] to have [adj] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 To assist with these tasks each policy and resources committee was recommended to have four sub-committees : finance , land , personnel , and performance review .
2 Terre Lliure , which was reported to have 60-100 members , had renounced its armed campaign on July 6 , as it negotiated integration with the ERC .
3 Miss Gregory was reported to have 150 grammes of heroin , carried internally in three condoms .
4 Admittedly , RDS , unlike Carfax , was designed to have many functions for home as well as in-car listeners .
5 Born and educated in the city , but subsequently crowned with an Oxford MA and a Harvard MBA , Miss Forbes was considered to have exceptional abilities and was expected to go far .
6 Iraq 's invasion in August of Kuwait , and the Saudi Arabian government 's subsequent decision to invite coalition forces to defend the kingdom was expected to have profound effects on internal political and economic affairs .
7 It was said to have two sets of strings only , at 8' pitch , and , on the evidence of its appearance , it was to be dated to the first quarter of the 18th century .
8 It was decided to have two selectors who have made significant contributions to contemporary art ; one artist and one critic .
9 It was decided to have 250 sets , each consisting of four postcards , printed .
10 Staphylokinase , a 136-aminoacid protein produced by certain strains of Staphylococcus aureus , was shown to have profibrinolytic properties more than four decades ago .
11 It was agreed to have further meetings on the issue in advance of the US-Russian summit planned for June in Washington .
12 She was going to have her husband was in khaki as a territorial and her and her bridesmaid was going to have khaki frocks to be some of them great velvet frocks .
13 The idea was that I was going to have these images around the base , and then I never did the Crucifixion .
14 And she was going to have wonderful costumes , specifically designed for her , featured in each story .
15 The animal was thought to have many tentacles and to spend most of its time sleeping .
16 She was beginning to have second thoughts about bothering the Police with such a mass of suspicion based on such little tangible fact .
17 When the seventeen-year-old but returned to Iran after five years in Switzerland , much had changed under the impact of his fathers modernization , Teheran now had boulevards and electric lights in Iran was beginning to have some appurtenances of the work to the West .
18 Gin , however , whether the Dutch variety or no , was beginning to have distressing results on the ladies in particular , who nevertheless persisted in their belief that it was all right because Mr Dickens had said so .
19 But now , with only a little while to go before she must join him in the sitting-room , she was starting to have second thoughts about the wisdom of accepting .
20 One specimen was found to have 5,000 times the expected concentration of plutonium in its flesh .
21 When DDT was found to have carcinogenic properties it , too , was restricted .
22 There was the fictitious crisis involving tourists dying of food poisoning in Portugal , and another concerning a foreign minister who vanished without trace in Budapest , and there was the Chilean dope smuggler arrested in Miami who was found to have sixteen wives .
23 The chamomile was found to have antiviral properties that aid recovery from the viral infections that are a common cause of the diarrhoea which , in turn , causes the dehydration .
24 Of the members re-elected to the standing committee , Premier Li Peng 's commitment to Deng 's reform programme was equivocal and he was believed to have conservative sympathies .
25 About half way down the hill forming the eastern slope of Nafferton Slack , by the road-side , to prevent waggons leaving the roadway , stood a large stone , which was believed to have wonderful powers .
26 The common law was perceived to have certain defects and there was pressure from the EEC to harmonise consumer safety law across the Community .
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