Example sentences of "was [verb] that only [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Christmas carols blared tinnily from a loudspeaker system overhead and from every shop window , or so it seemed , the public was reminded that only four more shopping days remained until Christmas .
2 Although many potential customers may only require parts of the information system , a decision was made that only complete systems could be sold .
3 It was agreed that only two members of the committee were necessary for the bingo sessions .
4 It was agreed that only ten people should tramp round the tiny cottage at a time ; the remainder were forced to mingle with the morning shoppers and then to walk on to the old St Mary 's Chapel , which once had held the shrine of Our Lady of Bradstow and to which passing ships would lower their sails in honour .
5 Until 1828 it was thought that only living things could make such molecules — hence the name ‘ organic ’ .
6 Nevertheless , it was found that only one modification to the basic specification of the model was required .
7 However , with the S.M.E.T. service cut back to Mitcham , it was found that only four would be required , so the best four were sent to Hendon to be slightly modified to resemble other S.M.E.T. cars .
8 While Mr Heseltine discreetly canvassed back-bench dissidents on a plan to save 13 pits , some for up to only two years , the Treasury was insisting that only eight pits could be justifiably saved .
9 It was emphasised that only limited information was available about the performance of Access students in higher education , and that the vast majority of students who had completed their higher education course came from one Access course .
10 Initially it was believed that only one of these , the dorsal lateral geniculate nucleus , was involved in visual perception and that the rest were involved in visual reflexes like pupillary control ( the pretectum ) , orientation movements ( the superior colliculus ) , and stabilization of the visual field when the head moves ( the accessory optic system ) .
11 By 7 September 1992 an ICM poll was showing that only 24 per cent of the British electorate wanted ‘ to exchange some of our sovereignty for closer ties with Europe ’ , while 76 per cent wanted ‘ to leave Britain as a trading partner with the rest of Europe ’ .
12 Because Saudi Arabia had an alternative outlet on the Red Sea at Yanbu ’ , created in the 1970s against just such a contingency , it was estimated that only some 8 million b/d would be removed from the market were Hormuz closed .
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