Example sentences of "was [verb] to it [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Its name was given to it by Jesuit missionaries in South America who saw the flowers as a representation of the Crucifixion — the corona is the crown of thorns , the anthers the five wounds in the hands , feet and side of Christ , the three styles , the nails , the five petals and five sepals 10 of the disciples , less Peter and Judas , the hand-shaped leaves and tendrils the hands and whips of Christ 's torturers .
2 Although providing a degree of flexibility to cope with ground settlement , this type of joint tended to leak and a cement filling was added to it with the whole pipe laid on a bed of concrete carried up the sides .
3 ‘ Nothing was added to it until January when two separate payments of fifty pounds were made . ’
4 MI6 never appreciated the amount of opposition that existed within Germany to Hitler and the Nazi party in its early days and as a result failed to exploit the very considerable amount of information that was offered to it by well-placed anti-Nazi groups .
5 He was drawn to it in some weirdly obsessive , almost dangerous way .
6 He was driven to it by the logic of interest and events .
7 Burton put himself on trial , later on public trial , either because he was driven to it by a daemon he could not command or because he willed the daemon to come out and fight .
8 He was introduced to it as a game played in the garden before coming north from Devon in 1970 .
9 ‘ I was very fond of ffeatherstonehaugh 's from the time I was introduced to it by a pal of mine in the late 1940s .
10 But what he must not pretend is that he was led to this solely by his ‘ rational doubt ’ when in fact he was led to it by his faith , that is , his humanism .
11 and I I was taken to it by friends .
12 He showed particular interest in that subsidence , it 's reasonable to assume that his object was to return to it at a time when there would be no one around to interfere with him .
13 Then he saw the hand , its fingers curled , as if trying to drag the sprawled body that was attached to it across the room .
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