Example sentences of "was [verb] to [noun] to " in BNC.

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1 There 's a quotation here from one of the ladies ' magazines at the time : ‘ woman was given to man to be his better angel , to dissuade him from vice , to stimulate him to virtue , to make home delightful and life joyous , in the exercise of these gentle and holy charities , she fulfils her high vocation ’ — pretty inspiring stuff !
2 Travelling on a false passport made out in the name of James Richardson , Bourke travelled by train from London to Paris ( apparently without encountering any problems with the police who were searching for him ) , and thence by air to Berlin where he crossed into the eastern sector and shortly afterwards was flown to Moscow to be reunited with Blake .
3 Alhred 's power-base may have been in the lower Tyne , for the body of his son , Osred , was carried to Tynemouth to be buried in the monastery there .
4 It is too early to estimate the value of this dog at stud in Scandinavia , but the litter sired in the UK has produced winners at Championship Show level , not only in the UK but also in Australia and Norway itself , for one of his sons Jagen Blue Brutally Handsome , was exported to Norway to the kennel of Mr T Lindstrome prior to Kolja 's arrival in Norway .
5 and while she 's up there , after she 's been there she was going to Creep to spe
6 Dinda and I had a cottage in Stratford last , we made sure that father was going to Plymouth to Debbie 's for the week , he said he adores it down there
7 Having been stung in a similar situation in their last league game when Gregor McKechnie called their bluff over a kickable penalty and scuttled in for a try , Tukalo tried to do likewise after Joe Munro had been caught offside in the Watsonian 22 , as Scott Hastings was called to arms to police Linton .
8 A tour of Latin American countries by the US Vice-President , Dan Quayle , in January 1990 was reduced to visits to Honduras , Jamaica and Panama following warnings by the governments of Costa Rica , Mexico and Venezuela that the visit could foment anti-US feeling following the December 1989 US invasion of Panama [ see pp. 37112-13 ] .
9 Well-known Austrian designer Raoul Hafner was lured to Britain to a privately-financed venture by Jack Coates , of the well-known cotton manufacturing company , to produce autogyros .
10 From 1829 Marsh was translated to Birmingham to a diocese under the direction of the first evangelical bishop in the Anglican hierarchy .
11 In the third century B.C. Livius Andronicus was brought to Rome to be a semi-official translator of Greek poetry into Latin .
12 A girl he had come to admire in Sumatra was brought to Java to be his third wife after he divorced Inggit .
13 Whilst the new provisions appeared to create a very wide power to use the scheme for representation in all manner of courts , tribunals or statutory inquiries , the detailed implementation of the section was left to regulations to be made by the Lord Chancellor , whose approach has been cautious .
14 In Wensleydale , Bolton Castle looks across the broad valley to Penhill , which , legend has it , was once the haunt of a fierce giant , while the castle itself is the place where Mary Queen of Scots was placed under house arrest before she was taken to London to be executed .
15 At twelve Jane was taken to England to be educated and encountered her indelible railway wagon .
16 In his teens , with his father 's health deteriorating , Richard was taken to Hollywood to be his ‘ personal assistant ’ .
17 The tide turned for the French when , under the inspired leadership of Joan of Arc , Charles was taken to Reims to be crowned king in the cathedral in 1429 .
18 It was extended to 18- to 20-year-olds in 1969 .
19 The executed legal charge was sent to Warrens to be held , in escrow , pending completion .
20 His parents later divorced , and at the age of five White was sent to England to be brought up by his maternal grandparents in St Leonards , Hastings .
21 The cup , which was valued at £30 , attracted much notice and was sent to London to be presented to William IV .
22 Explaining why Mujadid , was sent to London to further his education , group chief geologist Tim Burnhill said : ‘ We are committed to enhancing and improving the technical skills of our employees , and the Imperial College course is deemed to be one of the best of its type anywhere in the world .
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