Example sentences of "was [verb] a large [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The devil likewise found work for idle hands while the entire staff of Harvard Securities were gathered to gawp at Leslie Grantham , alias " Dirty Den " the pub owner in the TV soap opera Eastenders , who was accepting a large cheque on behalf of the Spastics Society .
2 Each man was given a large hunting knife and two smaller weapons known as okapi knives .
3 Betty was given a large selection of presents , all carefully chosen .
4 The author , Susan Hill , was given a large advance to write a sequel to Daphne du Maurier 's Rebecca and Emma Tennant is penning a follow-up to Jane Austen 's Pride and Prejudice .
5 However the UK was given a larger share of the regional and social funds .
6 The idea was to provide a large proportion of the teacher 's training on the job .
7 My brief was to provide a large painting of London with the Thames and the Richard Rogers Lloyd 's building somewhere in view , to fit a space that was large , long and thin in one of the client 's boardrooms at the Royal Mint .
8 Back in the Rathausplatz a seven-piece jazz band of students dressed up in 1920s ' costume was keeping a large crowd entertained .
9 One effect of this strategy was to create a large number of internal refugees — some reports estimating that some 150,000 Cambodians were displaced during 1990 , either by being forcibly moved in to the interior by SOC troops , or by fleeing from Khmer Rouge attack .
10 At the far end was hung a large tarpaulin .
11 Once upon a time , she had been able to withstand Florentine summers better than any English woman she knew but of late they had begun to tire her , to make her feel that in everything she did she was pushing a large boulder up a hill .
12 She was grasping a large man 's umbrella .
13 The firm 's owner assured them that he had never received a penny and was paying a large rent for his premises .
14 I was bought a large trunk and Uncle Charlie came round one Saturday morning and sign-wrote my name on both ends , with my house number .
15 But in September 1985 he joined forces with a man who was to play a large part in changing all that .
16 Dana had travelled from Berlin to Salamanca on an old motor bike that was to play a large part in our lives both in Spain and in England .
17 She was wearing a large muff and as they left the train Minton remarked , ‘ I thought you were going to smuggle me through the barrier in that . ’
18 And Dyson knew from the depth of humility and reverence in his inflection that he was getting a larger fee than even Lord Boddy .
19 Then she saw he was holding a large stick in one hand .
20 The switchboard on the ground floor of the Questura was manned by a chubby youth who was holding a large roll , turning it from one side to the other and studying it closely like a wrestler looking for a hold .
21 As he watched , a supervisor carrying a big black bag began to move along the line of checkouts followed by a young assistant who was holding a large plastic container with a flap in the front like a letter box .
22 One young man , who was attending a large machine which was railed off as a safety precaution , warned Humphrey of the dangers of moving machinery .
23 Prime Minister Major , who has learned much about smiling through adversity , beamed pleasantly through adversity , beamed pleasantly through most of the play from his comfortable position next to the Pressbox on the ground where he was spent a large portion of his life .
24 To see my starved self as beautiful was to dissipate a large part of this confusion : I was , literally and metaphorically , in perfect shape .
25 Last spring , Lorna signed up for the fortnight 's training course , and was allocated a large portion of the Glasgow and Clyde area , with 12,000 potential customers .
26 My two main subjects were English and music , so I was spending a large part of every day doing the things I loved most .
27 David was , by this time , playing a major role in developing the fast-growing U S retailing operation ; Nick was taking a larger hand in design strategy and had built a team of extremely young , artistic friends around him .
28 She was clutching a large handbag on her lap as if it was a shield .
29 When he reappeared his hair was soaked , he had taken off his shirt and was carrying a large square of sticking plaster .
30 Kent police said : ‘ The lorry was carrying a large quantity of Royal Mail parcels . ’
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