Example sentences of "was [verb] only [prep] a " in BNC.

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1 By the end of the week 11,000 Meskhetians had fled their homes and were living in refugee camps with troops protecting them ; even here they were not entirely safe as a motorised column armed with automatic weapons set out for one of the camps and was stopped only by a detachment of helicopter gunships .
2 She obeyed , shivering , for the basement was heated only by a miserly , inefficient little oil stove .
3 The cosy harshness was broken only by a pair of plastic houseplants and by prints of country scenes on the walls .
4 The dead silence was broken only by a regular drip , drip , drip .
5 A players ' strike was averted only after a top-level six-hour meeting last week , but Fry revealed some players were still not happy with their pay-slips , allegedly short of £60 .
6 It was happening only to a minority .
7 And if the ‘ mixed economy ’ was seen only as a framework , then like the scaffolding surrounding a building , it would be dismantled when the task in hand had been completed .
8 The levels of IgA anti-myeloperoxidase did not differ from the control group in any of the disease states , whereas IgA anti-lactoferrin was significantly ( p<0.01 ) more common in Crohn 's disease , although it was seen only in a minority of the patient sera ( 6 of 51= 12% ) .
9 She knew perfectly well that he was not very interested in paintings and that he was looking only for a secluded place where he could kiss her .
10 Moreover , it is not true that prior to the nineteenth century ( or eighteenth , depending on when the change was said to occur ) sexual deviance was conceptualized only as a form of behaviour .
11 Kurtz 's own experiment demonstrated positive transfer ( to a verbal paired-associate task ) in subjects given same — different pre-training , but unfortunately the comparison was made only with a group given no pre-training at all .
12 His career should have reached its climax in the great Franco-Scottish chateaux of Fonthill ( 1849 ) for the Duke of Westminster and Buchanan ( 1851–53 ) for the Duke of Montrose , but the first was built only in a much reduced and quite different form while Buchanan suffered from the late substitution of plate glass for the mullioned windows which were an indispensable element of his style .
13 I have concluded that either a ) the database was saved only to a floppy disk and taken away by your student , or b ) it was a WORKS database and was irretrievably lost when my hard disk crashed last year .
14 The new Marxist government was saved only by a Cuban expeditionary force of at least 20,000 men , with logistical back-up from the Soviet Union .
15 His round of 70 was marred only by a double bogey at the twelfth and a bogey at the thirteenth .
16 Under the new arrangement , which had been hotly contested by France and was approved only on a majority vote , each member state was to be allowed 15,000 two-month permits a year which would allow unlimited cabotage rights within the EC .
17 It was flanked by two towers and its entrance was reached only by a narrow stairway , but by no stretch of the imagination could it be called a fortress .
18 It was lit only by a hurricane lamp — I had no mod cons — but the gentle light was reliable , and made no noise .
19 The interior of the bus was lit only by a small torch made to look like an old lamp , the type you see in Westerns , and from what I could see I was glad there was no more light .
20 Diving down to a few hundred feet over Hal Far , Müncheberg then claimed another at 0754 as it was landing , but having no witness of this was credited only with a probable , although it was subsequently included in his score .
21 For Miss Green , Lee 's appointment was perceived as an explicit threat simply because in the previous year , renewal of the Cassell Trust 's grant had not been easily secured and had been made on the understanding that the 1930 renewal was to extend only for a further and final two years .
22 This type of decoration , consisting of individually stitched beads , was found only among a few of the Plateau tribes .
23 When John Howard died , ‘ Texas ’ was known only to a small number of Mexicans , American Indians and the occasional settler who had been thrown out of , or wandered away from , the established ‘ colonies ’ to the north and east .
24 Whereas in Britain ( and Sweden ) , the state controlled the Church , feudalism had ended well before it generally disappeared elsewhere in Europe , and manhood suffrage had been extended to large sections of the population — unlike most continental countries where it was attained only at a later date , sometimes not until the early part of the present century .
25 The prosecution claimed Jean-Marc Brennez was somebody Miss Giles had made up and the reason it was billed only as a surprise film was because she knew she did not have the right to show it .
26 The result was , however , that the most important change in Roman life was observed only at a superficial level .
27 Until recently Saddam Hussein was supported only by a lunatic fringe in the Soviet Union ; the leader of Pamyat , an anti-Semitic group , praised him for standing up to Zionism .
28 In fact the people 's committees were a genuinely spontaneous growth in which communist agitation was involved only to a minor extent .
29 Once again Harry 's deep reluctance was overcome only by a deeper fear of what Deuce might do if he disobeyed .
30 Each band was identified only by a number , and they were marked by adjudicators sitting behind closed doors .
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