Example sentences of "was [adj] [verb] [pers pn] [art] " in BNC.

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1 They moved on after that , with Jessica dropping in bits about Parr as they occurred to her — although not that she was due to meet him the next day .
2 It was , alas , only too derivative , but given its auteur 's antecedents everyone was prepared to give him a second chance .
3 However , she was prepared to give him the benefit of the doubt .
4 Thank goodness , though that for all he was n't so free with his smiles he had a terrific sense of humour and had not held against her the blunt , not to say impolite way she 'd asked if he was prepared to give her an interview .
5 I put it to Paul and he decided he was prepared to give it a go . ’
6 Major 's reply suggested that , as an interested visitor from another solar system , he had heard about human personality but regretfully had no first-hand experience of this rare bird , though he was prepared to extend it every reasonable courtesy .
7 Erm , actually on reflection , having seen the bit of disaster that occurred because erm unfortunately Freda did n't get the phone call until early Christmas day morning off her daughter , to say that instead of them coming up to here to see them that something had happened in London , could they go down to her , so she was prepared to do us a half an hour at half past one and then she was going to drive to London !
8 Even the genial Binkie Beaumont was prepared to pay him a third of what the experienced Emlyn Williams knew he was worth and could get .
9 So , by dint of various enquiries , we managed to locate a house in a more salubrious area , Cardington Road , where the landlady was prepared to offer us a small sitting-room in addition , for an extra guinea a week .
10 ‘ I was careful to keep her a secret , ’ murmured Mr Rochester , frowning .
11 He had honestly believed he could take the place of everything she had ever known if only she was willing to give him the chance .
12 It was wrong to ask him a question .
13 As he reached the spot where Josh Cornock was likewise occupied , he heaved the elver scoop from the water and was delighted to find it a quarter full of the writhing silver baby eels .
14 At home , where an admiral 's powers were much more restricted , and even the most favoured officers could expect to have to wait for their promotion until the end of the admiral 's period of command , when it was customary to make him the compliment of a few promotions on striking his flag , it was still possible to introduce new entrants to a seagoing life .
15 The club was just the right kind of venue for them to cut their professional teeth on , and she was glad to give them the opportunity .
16 They said he was unwilling to show them the evidence he had been given so they could adequately prepare their case for the parents .
17 Edward 's allies in the Low Countries proved unwilling to fight , and he was unable to pay them the promised subsidies in full .
18 After spending considerable effort getting the boiler back into working order it was important to give it a steam test , obtain an insurance certificate and get it back on the chassis so that it could be used to haul trains .
19 Before I left I was able to give him the good news about his friend Donald , one of the officers to whom we had given food and clothes on the banks of the Rovacchia .
20 As I have described , she had consulted me many years back over a libel matter which I had discouraged her — unsuccessfully — from pursuing , with calamitous financial results ; but I was able to give her a little assistance in another matter which to some small extent repaired the damage arising from the first disaster .
21 Aisling 's condition is quite severe but the doctor was able to give her a discernible lip-line and reduce the depth of staining on her face by up to 20pc .
22 But she remembers very well and erm she was able to give me a lot of personal details about the movement in nineteen nineteen .
23 When one of the men he had employed as a ploughman in the autumn came to the farm , more in hope than the expectation of finding any work , Seb was able to offer him a day 's pay .
24 Hitler was able to offer them a new mass base for the apparent consolidation of their leadership positions within the framework of an authoritarian system , together with the prospect of Germany attaining a position of hegemony within Europe and even world power status .
25 Like all British officials of the Egyptian Government I had been dismissed from my university post eighteen months before , and I was glad that the British Council was able to offer me a small post in Athens , instead of piece work in Cairo .
26 He was seen with a pretty young woman , was able to paw her a little without having the effort or commitment of doing more and had also enjoyed himself complaining about his wife .
27 It was in this book that he was able to show me the first reference to the Santa Maria .
28 Kirsty was able to tell me a great deal of what had taken place in the operating theatre .
29 It 's really rather curious how although David was happy to give me the names of these various lab magazines , lab equipment things , erm , he was very chary of sending me er copy of his own production .
30 The incredible thing was Luigi was happy to give him the shirt — that 's how important he was . ‘
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