Example sentences of "was [adj] [verb] [adj] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 The general preference was that if the message or the information was ambiguous , it was preferable to use oral forms of communication .
2 Shortly before he was due to take mock exams , he was at a geography lesson which was interrupted by a teacher calling for his services in a football match .
3 The firms argued that this was because they bought quantities of salt from each other ( usually small ) , and it was usual to notify important buyers in advance of price changes .
4 As commander-in-chief — he would not co-operate with Spanish generals on any other terms — Wellington was loth to regard native troops as an instrument that could be used with safety in battle .
5 As the Algerian media reported extreme insecurity among the inhabitants of some southern towns , and some newspapers speculated about hidden French or Libyan involvement in the situation , the government claimed that it was unnecessary to send military reinforcements to the region .
6 In the gloaming it was possible to glimpse passing lights identical to those of a carriage in a moving train , altogether it was an eerie happening — crossing a long-abandoned railway in the Vale of Nightshade !
7 However , because the New Range project is very recent in history , it was possible to interview key participants who were able to elaborate on the minutiae of the planning process .
8 As a result , it was possible to draw certain conclusions :
9 It was possible to classify rectal sensations into a group with no sensation , a group with intermittent need for defecation , and a group with continued need for defecation throughout the distension period .
10 Except that in the capital city of Palestine , a city covered with soldiers , it was possible to have Arab riots in which six Jews were slain and no soldiers around to prevent it .
11 He believed that it was possible to apply scientific principles to each task which would replace the old rule-of-thumb method of working .
12 However , having had the benefit of the pilot study , it was possible to identify specific areas that restrict my practice and so limit my effectiveness :
13 They were confident that it was possible to make general statements about improvements across a year group , despite individual differences .
14 Although electrical excitability in the nervous system had been demonstrated before the beginning of the nineteenth century , it was not until the late nineteenth century that it was shown that the brain was spontaneously electrically active Jeannerod 1985 ) , and it was only in the 1930s , after the invention of the valve amplifier , that it was possible to make meaningful records of this activity .
15 By placing a tethered owl under a tree , the branches of which had been covered with sticky lime , it was possible to trap small birds as they gathered to mob the bird of prey .
16 It was possible to establish plausible relationships between what is known about normal language acquisition , especially learning to read , and what is known about developmental disorders of language , especially developmental dyslexia .
17 The largest indigenous groupings occurred further south still , in the wooded steppe and the immense grasslands , where it was possible to herd large numbers of domestic animals , as well as engaging in hunting and primitive forms of agriculture .
18 Nevertheless , both Weber and the interactionists did think it was possible to produce causal explanations of human behaviour so long as an understanding of meanings formed part of those explanations .
19 The abandonment of the 1956–62 IRA military campaign was highly ambiguous and from outward appearances it was possible to interpret republican actions as either preparation for a renewed onslaught or as a delicate operation to keep the movement together while its direction was fundamentally changed .
20 The style of discussion — Zuwaya rhetoric — was generally subdued and relaxed , governed by two apparent rules : first , it was shameful to display personal interests openly ; and , secondly , it was impolite to disagree with guests or hosts .
21 Verses 2–3 : it was normal to employ professional embalmers — but perhaps Joseph wanted to avoid religious entanglements .
22 CTSP officials said that until the Tuareg issue was resolved it was unrealistic to conduct electoral operations in the north of the country , which was subject to rebel raids and from which thousands of people had fled .
23 In other words , Lyons , a man who preferred and prefers to make his bargaining points through the media , was prepared to disrupt vital supplies , inflicting untold damage to the economy , without having had any direct discussion with us as to our plans or policies .
24 On Feb. 4 , Iranian President Hashemi Ali Akbar Rafsanjani told a press conference in Tehran that he had sent " an idea " for peace to Saddam Hussein , that he was awaiting a reply , and that he was prepared to hold direct talks with Iraqi and US leaders in an effort to end the war .
25 She was not even able to read : though the family possessed an extensive library , Dona Marguerita had it kept locked and the key lodged with Padre Jorge , who was prepared to issue devotional books only , and that grudgingly .
26 And the Minister was prepared to predict great things for the candidate should he win .
27 The supreme importance of communications , in every sense , put a premium upon the man who was prepared to handle great sheaves of paper , the man at the desk , the bureaucrat .
28 He was prepared to concede non-essential points of terminology , such as referring to ‘ priests ’ as ‘ presbyters ’ ; his hope was ‘ to see controversies end with concord and love on all sides , .
29 He was entering a study with local authorities on the cost of implementing the measures and was prepared to make appropriate increases in the rate support grant .
30 United States Secretary of State James Baker indicated on Oct. 23 that the USA was prepared to begin bilateral discussions with Vietnam as a preliminary to the normalization of relations .
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