Example sentences of "was [verb] to [pers pn] in " in BNC.

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1 In 1875 a memorial was erected to him in the British Cemetery .
2 Another native wood melick , Melica uniflora , was given to me in its variegated form .
3 Mary said : ‘ Within 20 minutes of his birth he was given to me in a blanket , still covered in blood .
4 " When your mother was given to me in marriage , my father and hers entered an agreement , Sara .
5 ODDLY enough , although he was for almost 50 years a pillar of the British dance band scene , by his own account Joe Crossman 's only popular acclaim was given to him in the United States for his beautiful alto saxophone solo on Stanley Black 's mid-Forties recording of Django Reinhardt 's ballad ‘ Nuages ’ .
6 The drama of the moment was recaptured in Perelandra , the second in the science-fiction trilogy , where Ransom remembers the strength which was given to him in a moment requiring supreme moral courage .
7 Jesus had no power of himself , he only communicated and performed through that which was given to him in relationship with the Father ( John 17:7f ) .
8 When Stephen returned the following day , the news was broken to him in the stable block by the groom who took his horse .
9 I felt that the news was broken to us in a very inhumane manner , but perhaps there is no way to sweeten the statement , and the sooner the news is conveyed the better for both the giver and receiver .
10 He accepted it when it was explained to him in the right way .
11 As a consequence , both Cushing and Lovett resigned , as did the 44-times capped McHarg when the news was relayed to him in India , which is a sad way to end a relationship which stretches back for well over two decades .
12 — He understood very little of what was said to him in the Outpatient Clinic and could not explain it to his wife .
13 The appeal was made to them in the early 1970s to offer their home to ‘ special needs ’ children and they responded well , Now they are being asked to accept both the challenge of ‘ special needs ’ children and the possibility of continuing contact with members of the original family .
14 The request which was made to me in Committee was to bring forward amendments to enable the Secretary of State to set up a funding council , on the clear understanding that no commitment was being given that we would wish to do such a thing .
15 His VC was presented to him in the Western Desert by Montgomery , and he returned to New Zealand in 1943 after active service in Greece , Crete and North Africa .
16 Robin Smith has won the England player of the year award which was presented to him in London last night by the sponsors , Cornhill Insurance .
17 Will the Home Secretary acknowledge that fresh evidence was presented to him in the summer and that his review is long overdue ?
18 Probably few people would adhere strictly to Comte 's scheme nowadays if it was presented to them in its original form , but nevertheless it does still seem to underpin the structure of first degree courses in the main natural sciences ( physics , chemistry , biochemistry , biology ) and the typical faculty demarcation between the natural and the social sciences .
19 She lived at New Houses , and was related to me in a mixed up kind of way — her father and my grandmother were cousins , but what that made me to Miss Bayles I can not imagine !
20 MUCH OF THE INTERIOR OF MY FATE AND THAT OF JEAN-Claude 's was revealed to me in the opaque , vaporous interior of la Sologne .
21 It had been taken by a pilot who was shocked out of his atheism and into the Church by what was revealed to him in his darkroom .
22 The above account was written to me in a long , beautifully typed letter .
23 It was probably England 's good fortune that Inzamam was preferred to him in the four previous Tests .
24 I should be alone , and the old custom that clerks resigned on marriage was told to me in no uncertain way .
25 I think it was told to me in confidence . ’
26 He was drawn to it in some weirdly obsessive , almost dangerous way .
27 The deal clearly does not work both ways as we learned from the Squidgy tape ( a copy of which was handed to me in that very restaurant some weeks before its contents were published ) .
28 In the following year they staged a number of occupations of churches , but even that avenue of protest was closed to them in the end , because it became too dangerous .
29 He was wearing a burgundy-coloured bomber jacket and jeans and was thought to me in his mid to late teens .
30 He was black and it was conveyed to him in a most unambiguous way that this would mean pressure for him , but it was the way in which he responded that challenged conventional images of black kids .
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