Example sentences of "was [verb] she [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 He gave her a long , slow look as if he was seeing her for the first time .
2 When , in the summer of 1983 , she went to England for a few weeks , she took a French companion whose role was to instruct her during every spare moment .
3 The order was for the production of material relating to the purchase by a client , Mrs G , of certain real property , the allegation being that she was a member of the family of another person who was suspected of being a drug trafficker and who was using her for the purpose of laundering the proceeds of such trafficking .
4 Erika was not too sure about the girl in Pankow , half suspecting that Fräulein Silber was using her as a means of putting pressure on herself .
5 Yet now he was praising her to the skies .
6 And you know she treasures it because it was given her by a grateful patient centuries ago .
7 My sister 's job was to meet her at the bus stop with the wheel basket so she did n't have to carry it up the road .
8 Ginny could only suppose that Ralph thought he was protecting her from a possible nuisance .
9 She felt she had learned nothing about him as a man , that in some secret way he was keeping her at a distance .
10 Looking impossibly handsome in his formal wedding clothes , he was surveying her with a fierce intensity that not only made her blush furiously , but caused her pulses to race almost out of control .
11 But Michele was urging her down the steps , and the gondolier had reached up to assist her into the gently rocking craft .
12 Fabia got out , then found that before she could say a word , Ven was escorting her inside the hotel and waiting with her while she collected her room key .
13 She understood that he was imagining her in a swimsuit with sleek hair at the local pool or in a short , white dress on a tennis court .
14 It is her ambition to be tried for her life for murdering a small tobacconist with a meat-cleaver , only to be dramatically cleared when her alibi is established by the bishop who was confirming her at the very moment of the crime .
15 But by then , Nicolo was hurrying her down the steps , out of the building , and into a black Mercedes limousine .
16 Then he was leading her across the terrace and through the open doors of the villa , across the drawing-room and out into the hall .
17 He was leading her to the edge of the dance-floor .
18 On long strides he was leading her towards the door , oblivious to her inner anguish .
19 One of them was that the nurse , robbed of her pleasure in subduing the hair , turned her savagery more directly on to Harriet and once in a temper broke both of her charge 's thumbs when she was forcing her into a new pair of white kid gloves for Sunday School .
20 Carolyn was ignoring her like a sulky child .
21 Now he was turning her into a stammering schoolgirl !
22 As the abrasive words poured into her ears , he was moving her against an ornamental lacquerwork cabinet of hip height and bending her backwards , a hand dealing with the intricacies of her bustier with a sure skill that bore witness to a wealth of experience with even the most esoteric of feminine garments .
23 It would n't be the first time that a man had lovingly supported a woman through crisis only to discover that when she was strong again his own need was to confine her in a dependent role .
24 Their eyes met , sheer delight in each other in both pairs , and then Luke was kissing her on the mouth with so much loving tenderness that she could n't speak for quite a while .
25 And then , almost at once , his iron control seemed to snap , and he was kissing her with a frenzied , pent-up , impatient longing that was totally beyond anything she 'd ever experienced before .
26 It was all she was capable of saying for quite some time , for he had captured her lips again and was kissing her with a deeper intensity .
27 She had £8,000 in the Gibraltar fund , a substantial slice of which was providing her with a monthly income .
28 She had stayed at Thomas a while and now this officer was to put her on a stage for home .
29 Tony found that the best thing to do was to put her in the buggy and push her round the town , or take her to the park .
30 I was not accompanying her to the home but was treating her to a taxi all the way .
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