Example sentences of "was [verb] by the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 He was stopped by the snout of Shamlou 's pistol , jammed hard under his chin .
2 Incubation was continued for 10 min , after which the reaction was stopped by the addition of 1 µl of 0.5 M EDTA , 1 µg of carrier tRNA , 3 µl of 3 M potassium acetate and 70 µl of ethanol .
3 The reaction was stopped by the addition of 5 µl of a solution containing 1 M β-mercaptoethanol and 1.5 M sodium acetate .
4 The reaction was stopped by the addition of ice cold phosphate .
5 The reaction was stopped by the addition of 75 µl of saturated sodium carbonate and the optical density was read at 580 nm ( Cobas Bioanalyser , Roche ) .
6 The reaction was stopped by the addition of 11 N HCLO 4 and the cells were centrifuged at 4000 g , 10 minutes .
7 It was started in 1930 , but work was stopped by the Depression .
8 She was stopped by the man behind the desk , who had no difficulty in recognising her .
9 Er , Mr brought slavery into it , but no one had more slaves than India and the Moguls and what about suttee where widows were burned alive on the funeral pyres of their husbands and still leap and still the system was des er was stopped by the English Just a moment the door was opened by Mr talking about slavery we do n't shut it on
10 He began to aim at the other man , who was reloading his Luger , but was stopped by the Doctor 's hand on his shoulder .
11 Blake wanted to go and help , but was stopped by the Doctor .
12 At least 40 people were killed in Bamako on 22 March after a student demonstration was stopped by the security forces and rioting broke out .
13 Long before she reached the place , the car was stopped by the military .
14 When Part II to Schedule 12 was amended by the Building Societies ( Investigation of Complaints ) Order 1990 ( S.I .
15 The decline of the natural jet industry was hastened by the invention of an artificial substitute , ebonite or vulcanite , made by exposing india-rubber and sulphur to intense heat .
16 Both Bauthumleys then were closely involved in the emergence of Nonconformity in Leicester , a process which was hastened by the action of the forces attempting to achieve its eradication .
17 This division between ‘ core ’ and ‘ peripheral ’ workers was hastened by the concentration of redundancies , from 1979 to 1981 , among male manual workers .
18 As we have seen , the move towards a more considered view of the curriculum was hastened by the initiative of central Government , responding to a widely held disenchantment with educational performance .
19 However in the past few days Hanley has come through a series of rigorous tests , and his return was hastened by the absence of Andy Goodway , who broke a finger at Headingley last Saturday .
20 The campaign , which last year was joined by the Institute and numbers only five accountancy firms among its members , aims to promote cultural change in organisations .
21 I was lingering near the assembled bottles , wondering who on earth could have brought the Bourgueil , when I was joined by the man I had seen stepping out of the BMW .
22 The Federal Republic of Germany was constituted in 1949 from the three western zones of occupied Germany ; on Oct. 3 , 1990 , it was joined by the territory of the former German Democratic Republic ( created in 1949 from the Soviet-occupied eastern zone ) and by Berlin ( previously under four-power administration ) .
23 Father Murphy , the local priest , was joined by the Church of Ireland and Presbyterian clergymen in his objections and the council decided to cancel Wylie 's booking .
24 A further summons assembled another army , which this time was joined by the king , but when they all met " it came to nothing as so often before " , and Æthelred returned to London on hearing that some intended to betray him .
25 Ten minutes later he was joined by the couple for whom he had been waiting .
26 He escaped , and was joined by the lady .
27 Mr Milburn was joined by the party 's front-bench education spokesman Baroness Tessa Blackstone and Danish MEP Freddie Black claiming cuts in training investment and Britain 's education record compared with the rest of Europe .
28 The evangelical belief , much disseminated in the mid-nineteenth century , that children should be protected from the rigours of the adult world and educated and assisted to be morally good adults , was joined by the end of the century by a belief in the economic and military importance of building , from birth , a strong and stable race .
29 The air smelt of damp and cement , but was not unpleasant , and round the bend from our tunnel where it was joined by the library tunnel the air was much fresher .
30 The bill , which was ratified by the Council of Guardians two days later , followed approval of US legislation allowing US forces to arrest " terrorists " anywhere in the world [ see p. 37407 ] .
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